Grand Master Report


Grand Master Report


The Times are a Changing


_Come writers and critics

Who prophesize with your pen

And keep your eyes wide

The chance won't come again

And don't speak too soon

For the wheel's still in spin
_ <-


<p> New Website Design: Under extreme pressure and threat of torture the SCL staff has released the newest Dark Brotherhood website design. Grand Master Cotelin, Xia Long, and Orv combined their efforts over the past week and have brought to us a new look. I love the new website design and I am proud of how it presents our club in an attractive light. Please take the time to thank the coding trio for all of their hard work and dedication. <p>

Codename: Raken makes me laugh: I promised everyone an update on the status of the Dark Voice and here it is. I have decided to close the Dark Voice and add an additional fiction news tab to the Dark Brotherhood website. This fictional news page will serve as the story board for the Clans and DB as we continue to progress from our fall at Antei. In the past I had hoped that the DV would serve as a fictional storyboard for the Dark Brotherhood, but this never worked out. After talking with the two previous Grand Masters and hearing their comments on the DV, I decided that it was no longer needed. Our Wiki tracks our history more effectively than any other tool we have and a new fictional news page will allow Clans the opportunity to get their "official story" out there. The T:F/P:GM Raken has created a policies and rules document that I am just about to approve. Once this occurs we will release the document and then our coders will get to work on the new fiction tab. Look for an update soon.

Braecen is the Plagueis Consul: Roughly two years after I put a mark of Death on Braecen for leaving Clan Plagueis, I have decided to bring him back as Consul. Braecen has proven himself to be an effective leader and motivator and Clan Plagueis will certainly improve from his efforts. Welcome back to Plagueis!

Force Powers: 155 Force Powers have just left my inbox for comments and adjustments by the Force Powers team. This is our next big project for the DB website and we hope to have them out as soon as possible. I'll have Muz post some imagery of them this week.

187 on a Player Association: The Dark Brotherhood Player's Association was officially closed this week due to many issues and problems. The most significant of all of these problems was the game itself. SOE's failures and Blizzard's accomplishments all but made Star Wars Galaxies a joke in the MMO world. <p> The T:G will be the approving official for all gamers who wish to play pvp SWG matches. Talk to Shad at his table for more details.

Independent Houses: Several months ago Khobai submitted a proposal for the creation of an Independent House in the Dark Brotherhood. I promised Khobai I would discuss this with the Dark Brotherhood around Christmas. Unfortunately I was away during Christmas so I dropped the ball. Sorry Khobai. <p> So where do I stand on independent houses?

I like the idea. Khobai's proposal was well thought out and it made sense. In fact I am not against the implementation of an Independent House this year; however, it is not going to happen until after the next vendetta (or maybe as a response to the next Vendetta). <p> Anyways, I wanted to publicly thank Khobai and Donitz who have floated the idea by me on several occassions.
<p> Harassment Notice: Don't do it. Especially don't do it to anyone who has been the target of such behaviors for the last two years. <p>


Congratulations: Work: Jac, Orv, Sister Long.

Raken Quote of the Week (paraphrased): This comes from the soon to be released fictional news page policy: <p>_Disciples of Dark Blackness otherwise known as Darkness or Really Black Dark,<p>

I come before you legion of badasses to proclaim that our Glorious Clan™ has thrown off the chains of our oppressors who call themselves our betters simply because they place ahead of us in sanctioned competitions fairly run and without bias time and again. Yes, my children, now that we are indeed off the chain as it were, I would like to give many props to my glorious summit who has toiled these last months to create for us the ultimate power in the universe: a wiki page!<p>

I haven’t really looked at the details yet, but apparently they’re all the rage and if your Clan has many of them, poorly written and populated with many frightening real-life pics better left to myspace, then that Clan is proclaimed the Lord of Hosts! <p>

Now, before I continue and reveal how our Glorious Clan™ has obtained yet another prototype super-weapon carelessly left laying around by the Empire with which we will destroy the Dark Council, their pathetic do-nothing lackeys, the other six Clans which previous to this we have never bested, and those annoying yet loveable space pirates with seemingly little else to do but hound our every move in between major unbiased vendettas, I would like to take a moment to thank our own DJK Y’ackahhe’su-RoarwOmon-cahn0ex5’DeathSlayer, a Mandalorian, for his titanic efforts to update our Glorious Clan’s™ website which I’d forgotten we have.<p>

So, thank you DJK Y’ackahhe’su-RoarwOmon-cahn0ex5’DeathSlayer! Your Diamond Sword has been recommended and I promise you’ll have it soon! <p> By the bye, I would like to address the recent concerns on IRC regarding our latest super-weapon conveniently unearthed on our home planet of Vul’can. Specifically I would address a Mr. “<dikm0nstr>” from House Satanicus Darkus Tenebrous Blackus, Battle Team Soul Ravaging Dark Death Black Eaters with whom I had the following conversation...<p /></dikm0nstr></p></p></p></p></p>_

I have nothing but love for my Praetor.

<p>Real Life</p>

Baghdad: I am now in Baghdad and completely moved into my new surroundings. Thanks for all the letters!

<p>Final Thoughts</p>

Great Week: Have a great week everyone!



Thank you for the Report, Master Sarin.

I thought you got lost :P

I would just like to point out that while Sarin's report graphics have not been updated and thus still have a silly black fancy JST report banner now has a fun transparent background.

Kir > Sarin.

That is all.

Uhh... can you remove the Mark of Death? It makes it hard when everyone in the Clan is trying to kill me :-p

No. Leave it on.

It provides amusement. :P

He can also dance around. That also provides amusement.

Also, congrats to Brae have been delayed (just as the removal of the death mark has been delayed) until he comes to visit me in March, at which point I will see his man-whore skills in action. I have high expectations, Brae!

He can dance if he wants to! He can leave his friends behind. Cause his friends don't dance and if they don't dance, well there no friends of mine.

Bob Dylan=Awesome

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