

WHEREAS on this the First day of November of the Two-Thousand and Third Year of the Dark Side: I, Dark Adept, Trevarus Irad Caerick, Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi do make the following decree

AND WHEREAS the Brethren and Dark Jedi known as William Flechette, Chancellor of the Brotherhood has fulfilled the requirements of the Dark Side Compendium to merit elevation

THEREFORE with the blessing and approval of His Highness, Darth Firefox, Dark Lord of the Sith, and Grand Master of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi, I do hereby elevate William Flechette to the status of Exarch of the Obelisk Order. May all accord Exarch Flechette all honors, rights, and privelages according to his status.

Signed and Sealed on this day,

His Excellency, Trevarus Irad Caerick, Knight First Class
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi

You misspelled proclamation :P

Oh and gratz Flech

Oh and also privileges

Oh, leave the spelled alone. It's the spirit of the proclamation that's important. :P

YAAAAAAYYYYYYY Fleshy!! Bzz bzz kerpow!

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