Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

NightShade Squadron — BattleTeam Report #2

A lot seemed to happen in the past week, or perhaps that was just because I was at my computer for most of it. I love school vacations!

House News

—Ras would like the HC Facilities Document completed by the end of the month. If you have anything left to contribute, send anything to her.

—Two new house competitions began yesterday. One involves creating a species profile for our planet of Ptolomea and the other involves Ras’s pet Voorpak.

BattleTeam News

—Arual Semaj and Vokell have joined NightShade.

—I’ve started a new competition (Click Me!). Have fun, and don’t forget to send all entries to me AND Ras!


Activity is the number one way to earn promotions and medals. By being active, you prove to your leaders that you have an honest desire to excel and proceed in the Brotherhood.

—Arual passed an abundance of exams at the Shadow Academy this week. These included History of the Sith Empire III, Pre-Republic History, MSN Messenger, Old Republic History, Wiki Basics, History of the Sith Empire II, Krath CORE, and Dark Brotherhood Basics.

—Ludy received her first Dark Maven degree: Dark Maven Leadership. Congrats, Ludy! She also passed Weapons Basics.

—Stolz passed IRC Basics!

—Vokell passed a couple of exams in the past week: History of the Sith Empire I and Old Republic History.

—Impetus received a Cr-T for competing in the Pazaak Challenge. Imp also received a Cr-Q and Cr-E for participation in the Winter Games.

—Zeron received a 2 Cr-Es and a Cr-Q for participation in the Winter Games. He also received a LS.

—Rilkel (me!) received a Cr-Q for participation in the Winter Games.

—Camord passed a few tests this week: Test of Endurance, Sith CORE, Conflict Mediation, and Weapons Basics. He also received a CF and a LS.

BattleTeam Projects and Direction

This week saw lots of progress on chronicling the history of Nightshade Squadron. Much thanks to Impetus for providing a starting point in this project, and then for wiki-izing what we already had. If there are any problems with the article located here please bring them to my attention.

This week was also amazing on the activity side, with an abundance of activity, especially in the Shadow Academy. Congrats to those who received medals for the Winter Games! There are many competitions open to members of our team, including the one that I started earlier today (see the above link). Let’s keep this activity up for next week.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or ideas, I’m open to them. Likewise, if you would like to join NightShade, please send me an email (syphoc[dot]Rilkel[at]gmail[dot]com), cc-ing our House Summit or shoot me a message on IRC (my nick is usually Rilkel orRilk-AFK).

Our roster stands at ten (10) members

DJK Syphoc Rilkel Kaeth

DJK Luciferus “Scyrone” Leviathan

GRD Rayne

PRT Aiden Stolz

SW Zeron

KAP Impetus Korin Palpatine

PRT Camord

JH Eludajae M’Nar

GRD Arual Semaj

PRT Vokell

Celer, Silens, Mortalis - Swift, Silent, Deadly

DJK Syphoc Rilkel Kaeth (Krath)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:1]

SC / AC / DC / GN / SN / Cr-1A-6S-7E-3T-6Q / CF-PF / LS-AgL / S:-10P  

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