Report #28 - February 2nd, 2008
Greetings all,
Not a huge report this time, I really do mean that. Our Proconsul was busy with a great deal of studying and other work (or so I'm told =P) so this is a quick replacement before the week is done. I want to just focus on competitions mostly during this report.
Weekly Gaming Events & Competitions Page - Right Here, Our Own Handy Website
Gaming Servers Page - To the Wiki Page We Go
DB-Wide Events
<li> New Member Competition: Khar Shian - Story (Ends on 02/10) NEW!
<li> ACC Quick Skirmish (Ends on 02/28) NEW!
<li> February Gaming Competition (Ends on 02/29) NEW!
<li> Time of War: Intercept (Ends on 02/29) NEW!
<li> Background Checks... (Ends on 02/29) NEW!
<li> Gaming Nights (Ends on 12/31)</li>
Clan-Wide Events
<li> Qucik and Easy PCON Comp 1-3 (Ends on 02/05)
<li> Art of CTF: Taldryan Style (Ends on 02/11)
<li> You Know You've Been in Tal Too Long When... (Ends on 02/14) NEW!
<li> TT Article Competition: Take II (Ends on 02/29)
<li> A New Hope: Tal Trivia (Ends on 12/31)
<li> Reports Work - For Everyone (Ends on 12/31)</li>
House Archanis Events
<li> None at the moment, Coming Soon</li>
House Dinaari Events
<li> EPIC Banner (Ends 02/29) NEW!
<li> Unforseen Consequences (Ends 03/07) NEW!
<li> Resurrection of Dominus Sicarius (Ends on 03/30)
<li> Dinaari Intelligence Exercise (DIE) (Ends 04/30) NEW!</li>
House Ektrosis Events
<li> Graffiti the AED! (Ends on 02/18) NEW!
<li> Ektrosis Caption Contest (Ends on 02/27) NEW!
<li>Ektrosis Run On -- The First to Strike (Ends on 03/30) NEW!
<li> Ektrosis Fiction Series: In Search of Sklib (Ends on 03/31)
<li> AED's Challenge (Ends on 09/24)</li>
We also have the Inter-Club Training Event which occurs every Saturday on IRC in #outerrim. Details on that should be on the competition page as well.
The Taldryan Topic event last month ended with no participation. Not sure what to say about that, I could say I didn't promote it enough, or maybe it was just a serious writing event and some didn't want to get in on that. The first "Quick and Easy PCON Comp" saw one participant but the second saw many jumping in on the three-word Run-on. Chaos is hosting a third event in that line so make sure to check the competitions page for information on that, it's another fun and simple one that'll definitely help towards those promotions and awards.
On the DB-wide events front we saw a couple Fiction Tribune hosted events come to an end, haven't seen any results on those yet. Raken has posted two new writing events though in the form of "Time of War: Intercept" and "Background Checks..." Gaming Tribune Shadow Taldryan has a new monthly gaming event that should help out every members get a better chance at bringing home a Crescent and possibly more Clusters of Fire, that being in the "February Gaming Competition" which occurs hand-in-hand with the normal Gaming Nights. One other event that's pretty open is the "ACC Skirmish" event hosted by the Combat Master. In that one there is a new ACC Hall open for much quicker matches that are awarded with Clusters of Fire plus Crescents for the top players in that Hall by the end of the month. A great selection of events covering about all areas of activity, check them out on the website linked about.
On the Clan front, we again have the third installment of the "Quick and Easy PCON Comp" going, an easy one that anyone can do. There is the "Art of CTF: Taldryan Style" competition which I can say has seen at least one match that I was in the other day. Would be awesome to get at least one 5vs5 CTF Match going, would probably call for some coordinating a meeting time and everything though. Lastly QUA Sklib started the "You Know You've Been in Tal Too Long When..." which is a quick and funny event hosted on the Clan forum. Not a ton on the Clan side at the moment but more will come. Beyond these Dinaari and Ektrosis have several events open, you'll here from those guys on those but you can always check them on the website.
Transferred to House Archanis
Welcome APP Todim Chendis!
Welcome APP Zarel!
Transferred to House Dinaari
Transfered to House Ektrosis
Transfered Out
House Archanis
Nirnaeth Arnoediad promoted to Acolyte!
Todim Chendis promoted to Novice!
Congrats to Sena, Sid, Amiz, and Jac on your Crescents for the Q&E PCON Comp, props to Amiz on taking home an Anteian Cross for awesome activity, congrats to Rannik, Ace, and Gob on an Archanis Caption Comp, and last but not least congrats to Sharad, Sid, and Narad for Crescents won in the Tally Tennis Comp! There were a group of Clusters awarded too, but do we really want to mention Tarax, Kaek, Vicar, Jac, Shadow, Chaos or Vlad for that? Nah. =P
Worth noting for a moment is the fact we need to keep in mind who we are in whatever we do around here. When we interact with fellow Clan members, with our leaders, and with other Dark Brotherhood members, let's keep a good attitude overall and represent Taldryan well. I know some do a lot of joking and that's cool, no problems there, just a reminder to keep up that great name that we've fought for long and hard now. We rock and we should continue to show that in whatever we do, we are the First Clan of the Brotherhood for a reason. There is a lot of talk these days about "bias" around the club from some folks against Taldryan but that's been going on for years in one shape or another, we know its all rubbish. Some will always complain about the best Clan out there, all we need to do is step above that, put on a smile, and go out and pwn.
Eventually we'll be seeing some major Vendetta coming up this year and we will need to be ready to fight hard and keep that undefeated record going. We should have a large Clan competition coming up late this month or so that'll be a way to bring up activity for what lies ahead. If you are up for activity now though don't want for that stuff, we have plenty of competitions listed above that are open to anyone to jump into plus gaming is open all the time. Gaming will become more important soon when the Gaming Tribune brings out some systems that'll reward Clans once again for our activity out in these so we should at least try and get into whatever we can. Just try some things out, find something different, do what you enjoy, and be ready for what comes next. I'm going to try and have some unique events come up in the future eventually as I see a lot of competitions being "more of the same" in the Brotherhood overall.
There we go, a nice report out, hope it brings up a couple decent points. We'll have to make sure that Chaos guy puts out a huge report next week. Look out for some Tal Trivia to come out shortly as well, that's competition participation and possibly an award. Until the next email, have a good rest of the weekend!
~ Important Links ~
Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy
Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex
~ Summit Members ~
Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Archanis Quaestor Andan Taldrya Marshall ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Archanis Aedile Mercur "Fire-Knight" Matsuki ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Archanis Envoy Gobhainn Sgath ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari Quaestor Vladet Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari Aedile Tarax Eosphoros Kor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Quaestor Hel-Pa Sklib ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Aedile Vodo Biask ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis Envoy Alanna Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Clan Taldryan Jedi Outcast Server
IP Address:
Password: Talpwnz
Kr'Tal Gaming Server (Jedi Academy)
IP Address:
Password: DBROX
For Taldryan,
Obelisk Primarch Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Consul and Son of Clan Taldryan
Planetary Viceroy of Kaltace, Regent of the Kr'Tal System <- </li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li>
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