Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

The Clan competitions are still going on! For those of you who haven't been listening in, the Clan comps offer several writing competitions, a graphics competition, and a decoding competition, as well as participation in the Clan run on! Get going!

Also, some Battle Team news. I started a Prax-only run on a while ago, but it turned out to be bad timing with the Clan competitions, so I have decided that I will put off participation points for it, starting it the week after the Clan comps end! Medals go to the top participants!

Ziltopia has been doing stuff for the Clan comps!


Abraxus hit us with some knowledge by making the Clan Trivia, earning him a Legion of the Scholar medal!


Well, I've done all of the Clan competitions besides Gaming, which I still can't do, due to my computer not liking JA multiplayer for some reason. I also got promoted to Jedi Hunter, which is pretty exciting if I do say so myself. I also updated my wiki, and changed my species to Omwati, which was my original choice anyways.

Commander Dralin Hakh'khar

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