House Dinaari Quaestor Report #10 - February 9, 2008
Greetings all,
<p>Like the new report template? Does it seem awfully familiar? It should. Many thanks to Duga for being a good sport about me ripping off his template but it does look rather good. Hopefully it makes my reports a little easier on the eyes and shows you important information even better. Now included in my reports are links to important Brotherhood-related topics and current competition listings. Speaking of competitions there are a lot of them going on right now so any Journeymen looking for promotion should start participating if they want to get ahead. Anyway, enjoy the new report style! Feedback about it will probably be ignored ...
<p>A lot of reports were released this week from the Dark Council and various staff positions. I heavily recommend you read these reports to keep up on what's happening in the Brotherhood - who knows, there just might be an easy competition or two for some easy medals hiding within the text. At any rate it's good to keep informed so be sure to check the news page often.
<p>The Fiction Tribune (Raken) has released several fiction-related competitions that are worth 2nd Level Crescents. Details are on the main DJB news page if you want more information. Hint - participating in DJB-wide competitions are a good way to get easy promotions if you're a Journeyman (i.e. below the rank of Dark Jedi Knight).
<p>Our very own (and awesome) Grand Master Jac is constantly upgrading and improving the DJB website so if you encounter any problems with it be sure to let him know! Be sure to include details with your e-mail (i.e. what browser were you using, any error messages, etc.?) so he can find the errors faster.
<p>At the end of this month (February) I will be reviewing my activity record books and be recommending a bulk amount of medals and/or promotions so if you think you've been active enough to merit an award and want to bump it up, this is the time to be active! Currently there are several lower-ranked members on the verge of earning promotions but they need to put in a little extra effort to make the bump! Don't get left behind!
<p>There were a lot of transfers this week within the House. We say welcome to Corax "Baron" Zarkin who's already done very well since joining. We also had a pair of transfers so everyone welcome tyfarius who rejoins us from the Rogues as well as Jerse Remid (previously known as Jerec Shadow) who also returns from the Rogues. I hope all three newcomers become valuable assets to the Clan as we get into Vendetta season later this year. Sadly, we say goodbye to Dark Blade who got booted for not doing anything at all. Actually it's not too sad since he didn't do anything anyway (except take up space) but you know, whatever.
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<p>House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan proudly recognizes the following individuals for their recent awards ...
<p>Corax "Baron" Zarjin has been busy since he joined, working his way up to the rank of Acolyte. He's also been active in gaming which means more promotions will be coming up soon for Corax! Great work! He also passed MSN Messenger and IRC Basics at the Shadow Academy.
<p>Long serving Dinaari member Werdna Elbee has just earned a well deserved promotion to the rank of Krath Archpriest. This is a recognition that was a long time coming for consistent and long-term service to Clan Taldryan ... service that every single member of the Clan should strive to achieve. Be sure to congratulate Werdna the next time you see him on IRC - Werdna also snagged a Crescent w/ Ruby Crescent for winning 1st place in Raken's January Poetry competition.
<p>Halcyon Rokir earned himself a Legion of the Scholar for submitting trivia to be used in "Tal Trivia." He also recently resigned as the Brotherhood's Combat Master so he can spend more time on real life (and hopefully in Tal!). He'll no doubt get something for his time served as CM but it looks like Tarax will have to report it next week.
<p>Our resident Grand Master, Jac Cotelin snagged five (5) Scrolls of Indoctrination for his work on the DJB website - specifically for making the giant "JOIN US" banner on the main page (assuming you're using the default layout).
<p>The following members earned some Clusters of Fire for multi-player gaming activity. Props go to: Shadow, Vlad, Kaek, and Sharad (x3) for EPIC CTF gaming. No one does it better!
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<p>As always I recommend getting on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to talk with your fellow Taldryan members (and the rest of the DJB if you so choose). For our Journeymen there is a wealth of competitions going on right now so if you want to get ahead start participating! Your rank is determined solely by you. Have a great week!
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<p>DB-Wide Events
<li> ACC Quick Skirmish (Ends on 02/28)
<li> February Gaming Competition (Ends on 02/29)
<li> Time of War: Intercept (Ends on 02/29)
<li> Background Checks... (Ends on 02/29)
<li> Fiction Tribune Competitions (Ends on 2/29)
<li> Gaming Nights (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)</li>
<p>Clan-Wide Events
<li> Art of CTF: Taldryan Style (Ends on 02/11)
<li> You Know You've Been in Tal Too Long When... (Ends on 02/14)
<li> TT Article Competition: Take II (Ends on 02/29)
<li> A New Hope: Tal Trivia (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)
<li> Reports Work - For Everyone (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)</li>
<p>House Dinaari Events
<li> EPIC Banner (Ends 02/29)
<li> Unforeseen Consequences (Ends 03/07)
<li> Resurrection of Dominus Sicarius (Ongoing; Ends on 03/30)
<li> Dinaari Intelligence Exercise (DIE) (Ongoing; Ends 04/30)</li>
<p /> -> ~ Important Links ~
Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy
Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex
<p>For Taldryan,
Templar Vladet Xavier
Quaestor, Dinaari of Taldryan
Right Hand of Justice - CoJ</p></li></li></li></p></li></li></li></li></p></li></li></li></li></li></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p></p>
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