Right then kids
Its been a while yeah I know but RL sort of grabbed me by the balls recently and its gonna be drawing on increasingly more and more of my time in the near future Im sorry to say, never the less Ill still be around
Lets get the ball rolling on the stuff that youre actually interested in.. First up the ROs on pause for the time being whilst we kick QDs ass quickly in the Feud. Yeah, if, like me youve had your head in the sand for the last couple of days then you wont have noticed this Feud thing thats popped up on the scanners .. anyway well theres one going on and we ought to turn up for this thing all the details can be found on the website (http://djb.borkweb.com/operation-eclipse) .. what are we looking for? Well high turn out and quality suffice to say if you dont drop a line in at least two of these activities then youre dropped from the squad .. its not hard to draw a stick figure in paint or write a crappy ACC match or fiction, or even play the odd JA match (Yes Im sure were going to be relying heavily on you Mal in this thing but then you always deliver and deliver well). A good combined effort will certainly hand this thing to QD .. and certainly prevent us from being shown up by the Blue Mist play group huh? Especially especially .. in the RO (which is here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5062).
Medals and such havent happened so we dont have to go though that leaving me more time to write my RO post and handle the other sections to this almighty mess
So Ill leave you with a closing thought Java programming sucks giant monkey balls.
Keep it Tidy
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