Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

<size=7>Satal Keto Quaestor Report


I know, no graphics this time, no special, fancy organization, no IC stuff this time. I’m roughing it, folks. Call it starting fresh.


I’d like to welcome… well, the three thousand newbies we’ve had since the last report. You know who you are. I’ve spoken to most if not all of you individually. Not everyone got back to me, but that’s normal. Welcome to those that did, and those that will in time.


I’m really… I don’t have a word for it right now. I think life-changing experience almost nails it. As such, before the report seems different, you know why.

Important stuff

In past months, we’ve had an ENV rating of no one, or next to no one, doing anything. Our numbers were so bad, we were on the edge of failure. In one month, not even two, we’ve turned it around. Our numbers are actually really good, for the amount of newbies we usually lose, the amount of inactive folks out there. In fact, they’re amazing.

This is doing very little, people. Basic, menial, brainless tasks. Imagine what would happen if we used a tenth of our initiative. Now, imagine if we used that same initiative, but enough to make it fun. Imagine enough to make it ecstatic. Know what the crazy part is?

It requires a little less effort than what you’ve already put forth. That’s because this has been work. I’m talking about fun.

Another important note. My competitions will be graded soon. Probably tomorrow, at the latest, but don’t take my word on it.

This one’s for SV. Commander, team mates, I am going somewhere with this pirate thing. Don’t end it before it begins, it’s gonna be really fun and rewarding.

Finally… my student, Vivackus, is on the second part of four in the Knight Trials. That merits more than anyone who’s not been there knows.


Told you it’d be weird. To the point, though, I hope. When I get an AED, expect reports filled with that usual stuff everyone skips over anyways. Thank you.

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