Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Ebon Cloak Battle Team Report #2

for the week ending 15 Feburary 2008

Kara sits in her office listening to some music from her homeworld of Iridonia. The chants of the cantor and the rustic beat of the music made her relax as she composed this week’s report. Not much had happened this week, but then again she’d had one member on a Leave of Absence and a holiday within the week. Valentine’s Day, the human’s called it. A day when you especially honoured the people you loved. It was strange to her, as she thought that that should happen every day. But, humans were strange anyway. Or so she thought. But, down to business, or this report would never get written.

DB News:

The MAA’s competition, “Assassinate the MAA” has finally closed and the winners reported. They were, in order:

Zaxen Daukentrenal


Robin Hawk

My first news post is there. Go check out “Double Vision” on the DB news page. It has some information and a few extra links you can peruse for your Star Wars pleasure.

Check out the Justicar’s report for other events that are happening to and for the DB’s general health.

Anything else that I haven’t mentioned, can be found here:

House News:

All the House News fit to print or read has been covered by our Esteemed Quaestor, RevengeX Palpatine in his report located here:

BT News:

This week, I have some really good news for you people. One of our own has gotten a promotion. Let’s hear a big round of applause for Q’win who moves up in rank from Protector to Guardian. Way to go Q’win!

Transfers In/Out: none


KP Kara Incendia Zor-El: not a whole lot or presence on IRC due to computer problems, but emails have been answered on a timely basis as well as Krath Core exams marked. Presently involved in an ACC match for qualification status and the acquisition of CL-1.

JH Tra’an Reith: online presence

GRD Q’win: online presence

PRT Nimhuil: no contact

PRT Aro-Wan: LoA

GRD Korroth Karn: LoA

PRT Ragnar: no contact

PRT Toivious: no contact


None. Keep your eyes peeled for a competition coming your way soon.

Battle Team Roster:


I have Yahoo IM (darkjedi267), and ICQ (445738985), and am also on IRC in the following channels: #crystal_castle, imperial_directorate, #scholae, and sometimes can be found in #shadowacademy.

As I’m the EP of Krath Core, please feel free to keep me busy by doing my exam and giving me a job to do.

Standing Orders:

Try out this week’s sudoku, which is listed below.










Each sudoku uses the numbers 1-9, in each row, column, and square, with no number being repeated. Try your hand at this and send me your results. The top three winners will be posted in my report next week.

Also, last week’s item the short story and poem concerning what your character does to celebrate Valentine’s Day is still up for this week. I’ve taken into consideration that most people were away for the holiday, so both activities can still be done and submitted.

Please remember the following guidelines for the written submissions: 10 to 12 pt block font, no more than 4 pages for short stories, though poetry can be any length and style. Please remember to cc the House leadership when you submit your items to me, and always remember to put your full ID line and pin number at the bottom so credit can be properly given for participation.

Have a safe week everyone!

KP Kara Incendia Zor-El (Krath)/TET-EP/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae


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