Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

_Tridens Quaestor Report

Report ID: R-HA1

Quaestor: DJK Raiju Kang_

Tridens House Address

Greetings Tridens

And welcome, to the first House Address. I took some time to consider how I was going to work out my report scheme for the next several months and given what I am going to be reporting on, I've decided to lay out my reports into Address-Update scheme. Starting now, every three months I will give an address like this which will outline our acheivements uptodate, future goals, and important announcements. Every other week in the time between addresses, I will be giving a regular report updating our progression, highlighting important news DB-wide, and providing general information on anything else house related. Anyways, I'll try to keep this first one short while filling you all in on the details. By the way, if you wish to know more about myself please view my introduction to the house mailing list, or feel free to ask myself personally.

_ House Overview_

So, now that I'm Quaestor; what am I planning for the house? Well, I've been discussing with the other summits and some of the veteran members of the house and we've come to a clear understanding of how I wish this house to progress under my sitting as Quaestor. Our mission statement is quite simple; to rebuild House Tridens as a united team working under the Tarentum banner, rather than a grouping of individuals like it is now. Basically, I want to create a cohesive house, where every member has the right and chance to help build the house's history, and become involved in it and part of its legacy. No longer will we be a grouping of Tarenti who are further broke down into smaller units. No longer will Tridens heroes and noticible members be faceless names. No longer will our members only be identified as Tarenti, but as Tridens too.

Do I wish to space ourselves from the clan identity? No, and please don't think that. I love Tarentum, and I see Cestus and Gladius members as our sisters and brothers and I'll never have us try to dominant them in any form. Rather, I want Tridens to be one of three teams that works for Tarentum than a place to house the individuals that do. By developing our identity in this clan, we will be able to help further develop Tarentum as a whole.

So how am I planning on doing this? Well, I have several areas I wish to cover and I've broken them down below. I would like to take this time to point out if you wish to help with any of these projects, or have suggestions, criticisms, or concerns about anything I've discussed here than please go ahead and contact me. I'm always willing to listen to anything someone here has to say, so don't be shy.

Areas of Focus

For the next three months, I have four areas of focus we as a house will be working towards to build ourselves as a united front. To give you guys some inside information of them, I've listed them below:

Improved Communication: How can we as a house move forward if we are not aware of whats going on? What identity can we form is we are not speaking? Communication is an important role of the summit, its a means for letting you the member know what is going on and how you can help. Likewise, how can we be a team if we don't know each other; so this area is extermely important to me and should be to the house as a whole. How will this change? Well changes have already been in the works. The summit and I have been working out how we will be making our reports and what we will be reporting on. Myself, as I have already outlined will be reporting on news and house projects and their progression; Sephiroth will be reporting on competition and participation details, and Evant will be reporting on MAA and HM activity. Aside from the reports, we each will have our own areas of focus to communicate with each of you on so you should always been informed with the dealings of the house and how we as a team are doing.

AWOL Checks and Member Roster: I hate deadweight. Not only do inactive members damage moral, but they waste time and take up space. Likewise, if we are to work effectively as a team we can't have upwards of 40-60 ppl in a house listed on the roster and only a small core group of people who are active. I'm not going to be limiting our membership, that would likely be damaging more than helpful (if we have 60 active people, great!) but if you aren't participating and helping us in some way to reach our goals than theres no real point in you being here. That's why AWOLs are going to be a little tougher. Following the clan competition there will be a house awol check wrapping up. Why didn't you get an email? because I'm not doing AWOLs through email anymore, if you active you would have been doing something lately. If you haven't been, you should have marked yourself on a LoA or informed the summit. I'll be taking the participation list of the clan competition and lists of the house's activity for the past two months and cutting away all those who haven't contributed. Following the AWOL check, a new policy will exist: the 1month/3month rule. If you are a journeyman, you are allowed 1 month of inactivity. Equites are allowed 3 months of inactivity. After that, you will be AWOLed.

Fictional Development: I hate gaming, I really do. For ten years I have been on the MSN gaming zone, BSC, and private gaming servers playing games, and I've finally became tired of it and have a bitter hatred of it. Why do I hate it? Well, I've struggle in finding clans of lately that I can join because of the lack of PC gaming. Whether you believe it or not, PC gaming has declined rapidly and nothing lucasarts has put out lately has revived it. With the Force Unleashed being for consules only, I honestly agree with ppl like Doni who say its the final nail in our coffin. I'm sure theres much the DB could do to hold off this, but we have to look at the reality. Now, I'm not saying that we Tridens should swear off gaming. No, I'm still going to promote it and expect you guys to participate if thats your thing. And we'll offer ways to hold of reality for as long as the DB wishes to, but its not going to be our focus anymore. This summit is made up of three noticibly fiction-based members. As such, we'll not only work with Anshar and Armus and developing the clan fiction but we will work on developing our own house fiction. The Tridens Wiki page is an embarassment. A breif paragraph on the house's achievements. We not only need to expand on this, but work out our place in Tarentum in the fictional world. Lastly, as I have already spoke on before, we will provide a way for our member to achieve a part in our history to further develop their own character histories.

Competition Development: If we are to make Tridens the central core of our membership, we need to be willing to provide you, the member, with not only the means to make it their identity but also with the activities to keep them interested in being here. Not all of our competitions will be storyline based. That would be boring, But I would like to have an overall arc during my reign accompanied by several smaller arcs. Likewise the summit and I agree we need to provide the type of environment that our new members have regular opportunities to advance themselves in our house.

Current Projects

So, we know where we want to head, the areas we will work on in the next three months to push towards it; how are we going to do this? Well, I've listed below some of the projects we will be working on in the next three months to get there, these are just the beginning as they are finished and new ones started you will be informed through my bi-weekly reports:

Tridens Chronicles: No, not a newsletter. Rather, a continuous story that is to fill in the gaps of our fiction between the competitions that surround our house. What does your character do in the house when he/she is not fighting the vong? This is where we will develop our characters and house as a whole. This will be much like a runon, hosted on our own board. However, there will be certain rules and policies surrounding it. If you are interested, keep a look out next week for a separate email detailing the project and the first post of the thread.

Wiki Page: By my next house address, I want the Tridens wikipage to include the following: a logo, real DB history of its formation/progression/and acheivements, a fictional history of its formation/involvement in specific Tridens-based events, and small summaries of the house's heroes and noticible members and how they became known as such. Likewise, I want the article to have a least 3 member drawn images to go along with the information and have the entire article up to the feature of the week standards so we can see if we can have it listed as such 3 months from now. If you would like to help with this, email the summit (QUA, AED, and RM) and state whether you want to do historical writing, fiction writing, image design, or wiki coding.

Recruitment: I came from the gaming clans of the MSN gaming zone, I know many untapped sources of recruits from this the brotherhood rarely engages today. I want to access these sources and bring in some new meat to help boost our active core. However, theres certain sources the DB does engage that we need to address first before we can move onto this. If you are interested in helping recruit contact Sephiroth (and CC' myself please)

Story Arcs: I'm not all up on the current SW universe. I need some help in developing SW realistic story arcs for our membership for use in all areas of focus for our house. This is a top priority at the moment so if you are good with SW knowledge, Tridens fictional history, and writing please contact me directly and let me know your interest. Likewise, I would like graphic designers to provide images to help develop these stories. Its not necessary, but its an extra I would like to have. If you are good at drawing and think you can handle this please let me know.

As for now, these are the four major projects we have focus on right now. I have other things I wish to work on to further develop our areas of focus but I will not make the error of committing to too much too soon. We'll work on this, and as they successfully progress or conclude I will open up more projects and in turn opportunities to you all.


Tridens Summit: Well you should know by now, but in case you don't: DJK Raiju Kang is the new Quaestor. KP Sephiroth is our new Aedile. And finally JH Evant is our new Rollmaster. If you have anything house related contact us as a whole.

Battleteams: I have closed the current Battleteam. Many of the members weren't standing up to their commitments, likewise it seemed to conflict with the overall goals of the house so I have closed it. Thanks to Elols for stepping up and taking charge of the team in the past couple months, you really proved yourself and I look forward to working with you in other areas.

On a side note, I may open up the BTs as we get more journeymen into the house and use them as training teams. However, they won't have the same identity as they have in the past. This is just a headsup, just in case it happens, kind of thing. Its not for certain yet.

Mailing List: So I've asked Welshman to close down one of the mailing lists and have the DB supported one officially cleaned up. If you are still not getting anything from the list, contact me. likewise, if you want the contact the list the official address is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Wanted: As you have seen in the project section we need: Graphic designers(both 3d and 2d), fictional writers, recruiters, historical informants, and etc. Check out the projects and see what you can do to help and contact the summit accordingly. If you have already responded to my previous email titled "Looking for awards and promotions?" this was the stuff I mentioned so now that you have a clearing understanding and wish to detail how you want to help then feel free to update us.

Congrats: to Adien btw for his AC medal, awarded for his efforts as Aedile. Congrats bud, and thanks for all you did.


So, my reading week started today. Starting it off by going to see a comedy show tonight and I may make a trip to Montreal later in the week to see the Sin City of Canada (ie. see how nasty the stripclubs are, gamble a bit, and drink until 4 in the morning.) If I do go, I'll help a headsup about it so you guys know. Otherwise, I'll be around to get the ball rounding on the majority of our projects.

Last thing, again I want to stress how important I think it is that this sitting in Quaestor of mine is more to your benefit than its is to mine. I want to make this house as we the membership see it should be. Yes, Im basically the administrator. I procress who needs to be promoted, and provide guidance in the areas of conflict, but I'm not making the house in just my own image. If I did, it would be ripped down by the next QUA. I'm here to provide you guys with the identity we as a collective group want, so feel free to share your thoughts, and desires for the house as well as your suggestions, criticisms, and concerns.

Anyways, thats enough for this week.



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