Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Dark Greetings House Marka Ragnos,

Before I start with the report, a special thanks to Tyren Atema for updating the House Logo; looks better than the old one. I also thought I would try something a bit new with the above graphic… not the best, but not bad for graphics n00b like me.


House AWOL Check

Thank you to those who have replied so far.

To those who haven’t: E-mail Faeril and me ASAP… you have to this Saturday (23rd) to reply and let your House Summit know you are active. Masters, please make sure your student has responded to the AWOL check or you may find yourself without a Apprentice to teach!

February House Champion

The race is truly on for one Ragnosite to be named House Champion; remember to CC your House Summit on all competitions so we know you’re active as every activity counts.


Clan Naga Sadow Artisan's Competition

Draw like Malik Comp

Letter puzzle

5 riddles of the Fae

[CNS] HMR QUA BG Competition

[CNS] Stick Wars II

IMPORTANT: Unless otherwise stated, send all Artisan entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and remember to CC Faeril and me so we can count it as activity when we come to choose House Champion at the end of the month.


Unpaired Students

These Journeymen are currently not paired… Now is a chance for all Dark Jedi Knights and above to take on the role a Master and tutor one (or two) of these hopefuls to Knighthood.

Guardian Telos [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kyrath Amaranthi [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kraytirous Shalluat [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] LoA

Protector Jalor klenstan [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Teu [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]



Zaroth has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star (2/16/08)

Zaxen Dauketrenal has been awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star (2/15/08)

Zaxen Dauketrenal has also been awarded a Crescent with Emerald Star (2/17/08)

Zaxen Dauketrenal has also been awarded a 7 x Cluster of Fire (2/20/08)

Teu has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star (2/17/08)

Tritherus has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star (2/17/08)

Shadow Academy

Force Philosophy Passed: Zaxen Dauketrenal (2/15/08)

Obelisk Core Passed: Zaxen Dauketrenal (2/17/08)

Marksmanship Passed: Teu (2/20/08)

Dark Maven- Philosophy Passed: Zaxen Dauketrenal (2/17/08)


Zaxen Dauketrenal has been promoted from Protector to Guardian (2/21/08)


Here are also the usually links:


D-SOG Troopers.

Dlarit Corporation.

D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster

Marshal Commander Raistlin Sadow

Marshal Commander Janos Silverwulf Sadow

Senior Commander Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Senior Commander Ashura Isradia

  • Governor of Tarthos and ISDII Harbinger Commissar

Senior Commander Raven

Senior Commander Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu

  • Sadow Palace Prefect

Senior Commander Vladek

Commander Jade Atema LoA

Commander Shuang Long

Commander Faeril Munlear

  • Personal Aid to the Governor of Tathos*

Commander Alexander Anderson

Lieutenant Commander Scuslem

Lieutenant Commander Ekeia Iclo

Lieutenant Commander Storm

Lieutenant Commander Telos

Lieutenant Commander Nero Pennant

Subcommander Zaroth

Subcommander Tritherus

Subcommander VanWyck

Subcommander Kyrath Amaranthi

Subcommander Kraytirous Shalluat LoA

Subcommander Jalor klenstan

Subcommander Arfalax LoA

Subcommander Tekryn Fenkath LoA

Subcommander Teu

Subcommander Zaxen Dauketrenal

Subcommander Sakura Haruno

Subcommander Daren Jai Kaleb Stanford

Subcommander Vo Spader

Subcommander Stuka van dar

Subcommander Angaloia

Subcommander Karig Dolor

Subcommander Abner

Subcommander Exur Kahn

Subcommander Xaru

Subcommander Kazimirn Radoslav

Subcommander K'li

Subcommander Zeliek Rivendare

Subcommander bass.ex

*Personal Aid to the Governor of Tathos is a fictional title I created for Faeril to aid in her (fictional) duties as Aedile.


OK, once again remember to reply to the House AWOL check e-mail that should be in your inbox. If you never got it then make sure to e-mail me to let me know your still about. I don’t want to start sending active people to Rogue.

Also everyone keep at those Artisan Competitions, very proud of those who have shown their dedication and willingness to help the House out. YOU GUYS ROCK!!! ^-^

As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura on IRC.

For the glory of Sadow, and House Marka Ragnos

Sith Battlemaster Ashura Isradia

Knight First Class

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Governor of Tarthos

ISDII Harbinger Commissar

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