Clan Report: Volume 2 Report #9 for Week Ending 24/02/08
<span class="style11">Introduction</span>
Short report this week. Most news worthy items are Feud related. ..read on!
Inter House War<>
Operation Eclipse is now well under way. I'm sure most of you are keen to hear some results and Dash and I will have those out to you by next weekend at the very latest...
The participation started pretty high but seems to be waning slightly. We have about 26 submissions for chapter 1 but only 11 for chapter 2 and three. I realise that the Feud site has the problem solving submissions auto-logged and graded, so hopefully there's a fair few in there. We currently have 2 chapters left, so if you haven't participated yet or you have yet to complete every event in a chapter set that as a target for yourself. I'm looking to be able to make some nice rewards at the end of the Feud for overall effort. So don't worry if you don't wina single event - there are rewards available outside this!
Thanks again to Quejo, Orv and Zandro for delivering this to the Clan.
Big Changes Coming Soon <>
As I'm sure you are all now aware, the website was completely overhauled. There is loads more coming our way soon. I have been fortunate enough to see a draft of the new Force powers including the Order specific ones. They look really good and the character customisation they are going to offer will be really awesome. We also have new charcter sheets, new economy, new Clan artefacts and much more happenign in coming weeks. This is truly an exciting time to be in the Brotherhood.
Clan Chain of Command<>
Just a reminder really, please if at anytime you are finding things difficult, perhaps with your Master or Student, or other Clansmen....or ANYTHING else then please follow the chain of command and contact the appropriate person. We are here to serve you guys, so make sure we know so we can try to help you out! If we can't, we can take it higher on your behalf.
Project: RESURRECTION - The Shadow Guard <>
The final policy from Project: Resurrection was released in my last report. If you haven't read it yet, click here: THE SHADOW GUARD. I recieved one excellent piece of feedback and I can olnl presume the rest of you are happy with the policy??? If you're not, you still have time to let me know! I'll be making ammendments and also be getting the Shadow Guard up and running once Operation Eclipse is over.
Keep up the Feud participation - this is for your House's chance to be named the bets in Arcona. Furthermore, it's the easiest way for us to be able to reward you with promotions and medals!!!
Get excited - the DB is changing and it's gonna roxor your boxers!
If you have any problems, follow the chain of command and contact one of your superiors - we're here to help you guys!
Read THE SHADOW GUARD policy and e-mail in any feedback you wish to leave.
As always, if anyone has any problems at all then please don't hesitate to contact [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
<span class="453415720-07012007">Embrace the Darkness,</span>
<div dir="ltr" align="left"><div><div><span class="453415720-07012007"><span class="062133016-03122006"><span class="718113318-05012007" style4> <span class="style12">** DJM Mejas Doto, di Tenebrous Arconae
**"Guardian of Arcona"
Consul of Clan Arcona</span>
<span class="style12">DJM Mejas Doto (Krath)/CON/Arcona [ACC: CL:3]
DS / EDx2 / RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-CoI / AC-RoT / DC-DP / SN / BN-AgL / Cr-2D-2R-2A-4S-1E / CF-BlF / DSS-EL / SI / LS-AgL / S:-11M-3D
{SA: MVN - SVT - SGE - MDL} </span></div> </div> </div>
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