Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Tridens Rollmaster's Report

ReportID: E1

Rollmaster: Jedi Hunter Evant Taelyan

Opening Statements

Hello Tridens. This is the first of a report that will come out opposite of Raiju's Quaestor report. This report will also give me a chance to introduce myself to everyone who may not have caught me on IRC yet or heard from me. I have a long history of Star Wars online clubs since I was 15. However, I have most recently found myself active within the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. I am now 23 years old, done with college, and on with my career. I work in purchasing at Leupold, for those who are familiar with the company.

I hope that my report will serve a useful purpose for everyone in the clan to get an idea of what is going on with the membership. If you ever have any questions or issues with any of the content of it weekly please reply to me and I will address your concern as soon as possible.

I will attempt to write less at the beginning of each report but I'll focus on the most important news first.

Important Announcements

Clan Competition

The Clan competition is quickly coming to an end with the final posts of the run-on taking place. Head on over to and check out what's going on.



Adien Corsair d'Tana - Anteian cross

Rekio Corsair Tarentae - Scroll of Foundation

Shadow Academy

Drichar Deis - Obelisk Core

Dock Alfar - Astronomy

Drichar Deis - Pre-Republic History

Drichar Deis - ACC Initiates Course

Drichar Deis - Lightsaber Studies

Drichar Deis - Force Philosophy

Scion Altera - Lightsaber Studies

Drichar Deis - Training Saber Course

Antei Combat Centre (ACC)

Raiju Kang defeated Kazarelth Talismarr

Incoming and Outgoing

Out: Adriel Ferore - To House Cestus of Clan Tarentum

Out: Archean Erinos Tarentae - To House Cestus of Clan Tarentum

Leaves of Absence

Von Reinthaler (2/16 to 3/18)

In Darkness,

Jedi Hunter Evant Taelyan

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