Kara sits in her office, relieved that she is once again using her own computer to do her reports. A very contented sigh escapes her as she settles into her overstuffed command chair and contemplates the events of the week. As shes only been back since Wednesday night, the report is going to be sparse in areas, but theres always the next week. Hopefully, things will pick up, and shell have more to report, as well as her computer giving her the good luck of staying out of the shop for a good long time. As she settles into writers mode she begins to organize her thoughts.
DB News: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/
Lots of things went on this week, but Ill list only a few. The rest can be found at the abovementioned link. Ill trust you to look at the news page for anything not mentioned here.
The Covenant has been changed.
Yes, thats right, its been changed, and you can read about that by reading SBL Kraval Norvirs report which is posted on the news page. Here is an excerpt from it: The changed section of the covenant is Article II Rights of the Brethren, Section 2.01. More on why that was changed can be found by reading the report in its entirety.
Combat Master selected:
Sharad is now our new Combat Master. His first report is posted on the news page for you to peruse at your leisure.
The March Gaming Competition is up for grabs. This time its called Crazy Random Assassination Problem, or CRAP for short. (no Im not making this up.) The full details are on the news page but the run down is that a little bit of it is based on your gaming prowess during the ICTE. Does that whet your appetite? Then go to the news page and read the full particulars. If youre a diehard gamer, this should be right up your alley, or sector of space, as the case may be.
And last , but by no means least, Shikyo has been promoted to SBL, and our own Phoenix has been given an AK. Congratulate them both when you see them.
House and Battle Team News:
Not much happening this time. Though I did neglect to mention to you guys and gals earlier that there had been two competitions running. I did send a short note to you earlier today when I found out. I do apologise for the oversight. However, any competitions would be listed on the Competition Site page listed here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/CompetitionListing.asp. It lists all the events that are running, as well as has links to competitions that are pending, or those which have already charged off. If youre in need of something to lift that spirit of boredom, this is the place to look, as it usually has something for everyone.
The Battle Team Competitions: Mottoes Please, and A Banner of Glory, have ended. Watch in next weeks report for the winner to be announced.
Transfers In/Out: none
Promotions: none
This section I will forego this week as I was not around for most of the week, so my assessment would be inaccurate to say the least. Watch out for a listing of activity in here next week though, Ill be watching you.
Standing Orders:
Participate in ICTE, and post to Timbals run-on if you havent already. Heres the link. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5099&st=0
Its a fairly cool run-on, and one you should try your hand at writing.
Ill have a new challenge for you next week, but feel free to spam my email box with any questions or comments you may have.
Have a sefe week, everyone!
In service,
KP Kara Incendia Zor-El (Krath)/TET-EP/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
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