Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Greetings team members and those who drop in and read these reports. I have been busy with school, have two 500 level course midterms, a quiz and a 50% term paper in the same week, needless to say I have been away during this time. However during this I also got good news, some of you know and some of you do not, that I have been writing a book. The release date is April 28, 2008 for the public and it will be in North America, England and Europe then as well…or so I have been told. This does not have any Star Wars implications but it deals more with kidnapping, suspense and the likes, and involves vampires. It is called Mysterious Places, if you are interested!

  Although I was on LOA I was still watching you all and a few of you have been VERY busy! That’s FANTASTIC! During this time I have also gained my second apprentice, Protector Teu! So Zaxen won’t have such a heavy work load…as Teu can help him in all the…paper work I give them! But for those of you who do not have masters I suggest you go and recruit one, it’s the best way to get your saber and to gain contacts within the DB!  

 There are TONNES of competitions this week so get out there and have fun! There are writing, names, graphics and even a gaming one!  

Alright, so as a reminder that AT LEAST ONE BATTLE TEAM COMPETITION MUST be done in order for you to remain in the Night Hawks.  


Krath Tetrarch—BTL--Jade Imperial--Dark Jedi Knight--Enforcer

Sith Flight Member—Teu—Protector—Trainee

Krath Tyro—Tritherus—Protector—Enforcer 2nd class

Krath Tyro—Zaxen Dauketrenal—Protector—Enforcer 2nd class

Sith Flight Member - Ekeia Iclo – Jedi Hunter – Enforcer

Obelisk Trooper—Zaroth—Protector—Trainee

Krath Tyro—Tekryn Fenkath—Protector—Trainee


Below you will see where you are at, and what you need to do to get higher up! For now the standings are as followed (if you do not know the order of ranks please see past reports, next report will have them as well):

Ekeia--> 2x comps for Hawk

Nero --> 1x comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Zaroth-->2x comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Tekryn Fenkath3X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Teu1X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Tritherus3X comps for Enforcer

Zaxen Dauketrenal2X comps for Enforcer


Last weeks competitions are still being graded and awards will be on their way here shortly!

1)The BTL Mode of Transportation. Design the BTL Ship/Shuttle. This should be a short range craft with a strong enough defense for getting into and out of battles. Should be able to house the entire battle team, but in cramped conditions.

2)Give Mr. Snurpy a job—Week one. The specifics of your BTL’s pet can be found below. Pick any member of the DB, give reasons why you would hire Mr. Snurpy to go after them and for what job. He will respond with his acceptance, an important details for week 2!

3)Name that Tune. There are 5 song lyrics. Name the song and the artist for full points. FI you only name the song or the artist you will get half points!

4)A New flavour-Week one. The Battle Team has found a magical Gum ball machine, which is providing a new source of income for the Battle team. Come up with a list of a minimum of 5 new flavours, maximum 10. Next week we shall vote on the best and offer them up for sale!

5)A Mission. Here is a simulation of fighting the Vong in a brand new place and environment. Kill your enemies, collect the spheres, and save the DB! Don’t forget to send in your screen shots with this one!


(none this week) This leads me to mention the Master student program. I have noticed that a lot of you are on the list of missing a master. If you would like a master to help lead you through the ranks, then please email Sai and you can get hooked up. If there is someone you have in mind cough hint cough then add that to your email!

Shadow Academy Courses:

Zaxen Dauketrenal passed Pre-Republic History, and Wiki Web Basics-Keep this up and you’ll have your saber in no time!

(These courses can be really easy and fun so get out there guys and do it! Next week will involve doing them as a competition so I suggest doing a practice one!)


Zaxen Dauketrenal-earned 2 CF’s! Nice work!

Zaroth-earned one CF! Great participation!

Tekryn Fenkath-Earned 7 CF’s! Amazing job!!


Nero Pennant until sometime in the middle of June.

Information on Mr. Snurpy (copyright © of JW)

Snurpy, although he is only 3 feet, 5 inches tall, has many special abilities which make him a formidable hunter, and a pet. Snurpy is feared by many, as he has advanced medical knowledge on any species, and those that he does not know about, it doesn’t take him long to figure out what that species is made of. The blue lines, which mark his face, are actually double stranded DNA (dsDNA) from all the species that he has encountered. It doesn’t take long for this little snurp to figure out the entire genome of his target. This feature also makes him an acquired assassin, for he can easily come up with a Viral RNA that will invade any host cell. And with this being one of his favourite qualities, he makes almost all viral RNA code for viral molecules that lyses the host cell, killing the cell and all hopes of the hosts survival. Nope Snurpy does not need any poison darts or any weapon of the like, for with either a stick of the tip of his tail, a scratch of his claws, or a bite from his teeth, will insert the new code into his next victim.

  Snurpy is telepathic, which can easily be seen from the third eye on his forehead. And each part of his anatomy, as foretold by biologists, can represent a molecule or process within cellular anatomy. For example, the two curly horns, connected by the string of blue spiky horns can represent two cystine molecules connected by a disulfide bridge.  His tail is often referred to as a Poly-A-Tail, with the tip consisting of Poly-A-binding proteins. And what appears to be scales on his arms and feet are really his defence proteins, for if anyone should try and pull the same tricks on him, that he pulls on others.  His mouth is a great asset as it helps him to process the dsDNA, and can be referred to as RNA polymerase. However, these are still speculations as any scientists that have tried to get close have mysteriously disappeared.  

  His eyes are what make most people stop and stare. Those that do not get the chance to run first, are often fascinated by how much they resemble a fire. And it is often said that this makes him seem like he is searching into your soul. But it is most likely that he is just staring at you while he reads your mind, and searches his dsDNA molecules for your species strand.  

  Although small and fast, Snurpy does have some flaws, which allow some of his victims to escape, should the owner choose to send their pet on such a mission, if they manage to do so with out a “scratch.” His claws are sharp but he is unable to climb up rock, or any hard surface of the like. He does have wings, but they can only lift his fat little body, which weighs about 400 pounds, about 6 feet off the ground. This is alright with him, for if he is ever attacked he is able to come up with his viral RNA’s within no time to take out his foe. It is said that when you see Snurpy coming for you, it is best to run as far as possible or just climb up a rocky hill, to at least 8 feet. That way his long tail will not be able to reach you either. But beware if you should make fun of him in his crisis of not being able to finish the job, he can always find his way into your room at night, to do more then his past time hobby of painting toenails.  

  He was born from the shadows of some mutant DNA genes, called proto-oncogenes, and once he is born there is almost no way that he can be killed, as he resists the ability to die, especially by suicide. He also has no problem with running into a wall, as he just keeps going, while in the process tearing down the wall as he goes through it. He maybe small, but he has the attitude that nothing and no-one will get in his way.  

  He is easily hidden almost within any small space, as like most unusual molecular cells he has abnormal shape and growth. This means that he can alter his body at will to get smaller or bigger. However he is maxed out at 400 pounds large, and 5 pounds small.             

 When chosen as a pet, it is more important to make sure that he chooses you as well, for the Faviourte past type of the snurp race is he likes to sneak into rooms, all across the galaxy, and paint the toe nails, or claws, of those occupants who are sleeping. He enjoys the rush of sneaking in. Plus it allows him more opportunities to acquire more genetic codes, and no one wants their pet to kill them while they are sleeping.  

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