From the Oracle of the Brotherhood,
I'm glad that most people liked the Dark Voice. I found a few errors, and Flechette and I corrected them as best we could.
I must apologize to Manesh, who wasn't credited for an image he created.
The next Dark Voice will be released on December 1st, send your submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
Send general questions/communications to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. If you send Dark Voice submissions to this address, they will be deleted.
As promised, I said I would detail some of my other functions as Oracle, outside of the Dark Voice.
1) Project Storyline. As Jac said in his bit, I'll be helping out with this. Our goal is to develop a fictional framework for the direction of the Brotherhood, through coordination of House/Clan/Order/Brotherhood storylines and competitions.
2) Updates to the Dark Side Compendium:
Revise the History of the Brotherhood section, to provide a running narrative.
Revise the Orders of the Dark Jedi chapter, to really flesh out the differences and animosities between the Orders of the Brotherhood.
Revise the Powers of the Dark Jedi, to reflect the changes in mythology of the Brotherhood, and provide a framework for future developments in the Brotherhood.
Updates to the Dark Side chapter to create a better fictional basis for the philosophy of the Brotherhood towards the Final Order. Includes the creation of scriptural mythology through the Chronicle of Dark Souls
Recreate the Dark Hall on Antei as a real place, to provide clear setting material for fiction, RPG, and game level creation.
I'll also be working on other random projects as they come up.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Bombs, hatemail, and flames go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
in Darkness,
His Excellency, Dark Adept Trevarus Irad Caerick, Knight First Class
Oracle of the Brotherhood of Dark Jedi
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I might just be being impatient again but when will we receive Dark Side Scrolls for our submissions?