Fiction ForumIf you want to go ahead and post some Star Wars book reviews or comments in the sub-forum I set up, please do. Post a title you liked or didn't like, maybe where an excerpt can be found and then give a review of what you thought and if it's worth picking up.
Give some detail on the author's style and how you like it. I'm not a big fan of most of the Star Wars authors out there, but there are a few worth following. Matt Stover comes to mind. In real life the guy thinks quite a lot of himself, but his writing is well done and very much not the standard bullshit they feed us. Check out Shatterpoint if you haven't.
You can also put your fiction in the fiction section. I haven't gotten to moving them all yet.
Include ID Line and PIN on the document and put [Fiction] in the subject of the email.
Results of Last Month
Background Checks...
Shadow 84 Clan Taldryan
Shadow 84 Clan Taldryan
Braecen 4520 Clan Plagueis
Shadow and Braecen will receive DSS's for their contributions to the club.
Time of War: Intercept
1st Vodo 3729 Clan Taldryan
2nd Braecen 4520 Clan Plagueis
3rd Zandro 7463 Clan Arcona
Second level Crescents to Vodo, Braecen, & Zandro who will also be in contention for their overall story to become part of our canon.
Shadow 84 TAL
Halc 43 TAL
Vodo 3729 TAL
Andryan 8941 TAL
Vivackus 9219 CP
Strats 9366 CP
Braecen 4520 CP
Legorii 8893 ARC
Zandro 7463 ARC
Eludajae 9119 CSP
Maethorir 9738 CSP
This Month
Time of War: AssetsThis is a three-part competition that will run through April. It combines fiction with a few puzzles for some variety.
SwordhandOne-shot competition dealing with the mentoring of students in the various lightsaber forms.
Coming Next Month
Time of War: Direct Action
Dark Council Armed ForcesThis is pretty much done. I completed the organization tables, wrote some wiki-like supporting docs, the concept doc, etc. This is being passed around for tweaks and error-checks. Nothing too exciting here though.
In-character News PageI also have the concept for this complete. Making this a part of the DB site is another matter so I'll update when I know something.
Discipline SystemThis too is nearly done. It ties into a lot of current and future systems so not the easiest thing to guage when it will be 100% complete.
Plot UpdatesThe update has been updated. This should get the ball rolling on giving the DB a continuous and evolving plot.
We have a bunch of things going these days and are trying to push things out to the members as they become available. We think these products will offer a bit richer experience here than what we've had in the past.
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'grats everyone! Glad to see the Clan being so inactive as well :P
Oh totally. You hit the nail on the head there. Everyone else clearly needs to get their fingers out of their pockets and onto the keyboards. Comps like this need people to step up and try their best. I'll do my part for this month's comps. Are the rest of you guys coming?
Also, big grats to the winners!
I R Winnah!