Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hi everyone! I do hope you had a great weekend. I am hoping winter is about over with around here. I get tired of 10 degree temperatures and the bleh browns of bare trees. I could live farther south but right now they have a dusting of pine pollen and the upcoming love bug season to deal with. On another note I'll be really busy this week studying for a huge A&P test. Bones on this test, muscles on the next yay!


Everyone welcome Ocih back to the fold! He returns to us from the Rogues so make him feel welcome once more :)

The Clan Competition is finally done! As you all have seen, Dralin picked up a nice fictional title. Want a title yourself? Get out there and do stuff! With his help there should be the beginnings of a wiki page about the titles and how to get them. I'll let you all know when that is up. I still would like to have some pins drawn for the titles so if you are graphically inclined please volunteer. I like giving out medals.

The Hazing, our current House competition, is going on now. I have not gotten any submissions yet so I'm hoping everyone is putting some real thought into it. I'll need at least three submissions to fully award participants so don't sit on your hands for too long ;)

Oh for those who didn't see, we have a new AED. His name is Apollo and he's a good guy to get to know. I highly suggest you throw him an email to say hi and get to know him a bit more. Heck you might even come to like the guy ;)

The Arcano Signum and is open to any and everyone looking for a little bit more choice when it comes to activities. If you are interested in joining the BT please email Dralin to let him know that you'd like to be part of his group and then me so I can add you to the roster. BTs are fantastic ways to meet new faces, be active, and just plain have fun. There might even be a House competition coming up that'll have specific events involving Arcano so jump on that ship now!

I try to be online is in the evenings about 3:30 pm EST off and on through about 9 pm. I run AIM (telonam) and MSN ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) if you are interested in chatting. As always the best way to get with me is through email ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]).


Here's some competitions that are out you can all take part in. I highly recommend you also CC Apollo and myself when you do submit. I like to give lots of rewards to active people but I can't know your active if I don't see it :) If you have any questions about these comps just drop me an email. Remember that if there's a specific file type required when sending in your submission to follow directions!

The Hazing

Ends March 8th

Entries go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


2008 Tarentum Trivia

Happening every month for the 2008 year

Trivia questions will be on the Tarentum message boards along with who to send answers to

CoJ Website

Ends March 3rd

Send entires to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Time of War: Assets

Ends April 1st

Send entires to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with all the specifics he wants



Ends April 1st

Send entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] again with the specifics he details


March Gaming Competition

Ends March 31st

Now with specific targets!


Gaming Nights

Every Monday through Friday

Look for opponents in #dbgaming


*The ICTE (Interclub training event) happens on Saturday every week. Just show up in #outerrim, play with someone, and be sure to fill out the submission form: http://taldryan.net/shadow/submit.php

For those that don't know, the ICTE is your chance to play people in other clubs. It can be fun and educational at the same time. Happy hunting!

Telona's Challenge!

I took out the other section to put this in and try to get more out of ya ;)

I hereby challenge each and every one of you to try for the title of Tactician. What do you have to do? Submit to the two competitions Raken has going on this month, any BT writing competitions, and the writing competitions I'll have running this month. You must at least place in the top three for the majority of the competitions so do your best. If you have any questions or would like someone to look over your writings feel free to email me or Apollo. Now get out there Gladius and get active in fun Star Wars activities!

~DA Telona Murrage (no)batteries/included

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