Kara sits in her office, a scowl across her face as she writes the report fo the week. Two competitions were posted for the pleasure of the battle team, and only one person submitted anything. Needless to say, she is a bit downcast as she composes this report. Hopefully, things will start to get better, but she can only pray to the Force that it does.
DB News: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/
As there are quite a few announcements, I wont list them all here, but give you a few of the most important ones. Go to the site listed above for any that are not listed here, or for a full synopsis of anything I have given as abbreviated content.
The Gaming Tribune has posted his report and some information concerning this months offering. ICTE details and other items are also gone over in some detail and are worth a look.
Empire at War has gotten a small write-up for those of you who play it. There are also some important links at the end of the report, and Ill post those for you here:
Rites of Combat
Gaming Nights Information
Brotherhood Servers
ICTE Information
The Combat Masters report as well as the MAAs report are also online for your perusal, and since theyre quite lengthy Ill trust you to go to the news page to read those.
House and Battle Team News:
Transfers In/Out: none
Awards/Commendations/Medals/Promotions: no promotions this week but there are some medals and awards to be recognized.
Traan Reith: Crescent with Topaz Star for winning the competition A Banner of Honour
Cluster of Fire for Korroth Karn
Weve gotten a new Aedile, and it is my pleasure to welcome Exodius as the Aedile of House Acclivis Draco. He is a very accomplished leader having held other leadership posts in the past. This is his second tenure as Aedile and I know it is going to be a good one.
There are some new competitions out. See the Quaestors report for all the latest news and competitions.
KP Kara Incendia Zor-El: IRC presence, posted to timbals run-on, completed the weekly report, helping Lucien with a Clan project, and am presently writing a course for Aabsdu for inclusion in the Shadow Academy. More on that when it becomes available. Ive also graded two Krath Core Exams.
Traan Reith: IRC Presence, submitted to the previous competition A Banner of Honour for which he has been awarded the Crescent with Topaz star. Has also posted to Timbals run-on.
Qwin: IRC presence, Posted to Timbals run-on.
Nimhiúil: LoA til 3/10/08
Aro-wan: no contact
Ragnar: no contact
Toivious: no contact
Found in the reports of the Ward of the South, and our beloved Quaestor. One in particular is a writing event called Insanity. I have already submitted my entry, and it was easy to compose. Try it out. Its a blast!
Standing Orders:
Post to Timbals run-on: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5099&pid=175496&st=20&#entry175496
Participate in the competitions being run by the Ward of the South and the Quaestor (full particulars can be found in their reports).
Battle Team Orders: Email me if you want to stay in the Battle Team, as Im running an AWOL check. You have 2 weeks to report in. Otherwise you will be removed from the Battle Team.
Also, I would like for you to submit to me in either short-story form or poetry, a description of what it is like for your character to experience the following: A trip down memory lane. Short stories should be no longer than 2 pages in length, and Poetry should be no longer than 6 verses. A verse being 4 lines in length.
Have a fun and safe week! Also, if I have made any errors or omissions, please let me know.
In service,
KP Kara Incendia Zor-El (Krath)/TET-EP/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae
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