ProConsul Report
March 11th, 2008
Excidium II, ProConsul Offices
Grand Marshall, you have an urgent communication from the Emperor.
Roger, patch it through. Lucien replied.
Lucien, I have reports from the surface of Judecca. It seems that the natives have grown restless and are in the beginning stages of a revolt. We are heading there now to secure the planet. Assemble the Legions.
Understood Emperor. I swear it will be done.
Members of the Royal Clan of Scholae,
March is in full swing. We are less than a month away from the Independence Games, which if youve been around for a while, you will notice as a competition that Natth started way back when. The IGs, as they are commonly referred to as, is a celebration of our Exodus from the Emperors Hammer and their oppressive natures.
It is during the IGs that we will honor the Seven that lead us from the EH to the promised land of autonomy. We in CSP have organized and setup this event, with Prajna doing the website coding, Braecen, Phoenix, Rasilvenaira, Xan, Yzarc, Rilkel, and numerous others doing the actual event planning. I can honestly say that it will be a well planned out event and one that we should win handedly. There will be events for all shapes and sizes of members, including gaming, graphics, poetry, fiction, etc. There WILL be an event for you, so I expect everyone to submit entries.
Phoenix alluded to a feud in his report earlier. Trust me when I say that when given the reigns to organize something like this, Phoenix pulled through like a champion. With just minimal guidance from me, he managed to outline a fun, interesting feud that will take place sometime after the IGs, once we have celebrated our win and have all settled into our new place as best Clan in the Brotherhood.
My project list from the last couple reports is in warp speed mode. I have the Project Leads working on each individual task and from what I have seen so far, they have been doing a bang up job. Several of the projects are near ready for release, but will be put off until the website can be completed and everything implemented on the site.
Speaking of the Site, the coding is 99% finished, the content is 90% finished, and the images are 75% done. Once all those areas are at 100%, I will announce the date of launch for the new site. It will include a great deal more functionality than the old site and will better serve us as a Clan.
One of my pet projects is the CSP Newsletter which will serve to disseminate the fictionality of CSP. Anga has been hard at work on this and has had to deal with some difficulties in putting the thing together.
Her main issue has been with keeping a staff on hand to write articles. So, as of right now, if you have a fiction based article that you would like to submit to the CSP Newsletter, please send it to Anga herself. In the future, I think that well be moving towards a more submission based format with the major articles coming from Anga, Phoenix, and myself. Quaestors and Aediles are encouraged to write articles for their individual Houses for inclusion into the Newsletter. At the moment, the newsletter is scheduled for a monthly release, but that is subject to change at any moment.
Remember, any article submitted to the CSP Newsletter MUST be IN CHARACTER or it will not be considered. This means no editorials on DB politics, etc. We will not stoop to the levels of others. The newsletter is for FICTIONAL purposes only. It will be where Phoenix and I will announce to the Clan any changes in fictionality as well as the direction of the Clan fictionally.
Society of Envoys
As Pho stated and Sarin wrote in his report, the Envoys have been disbanded. This is saddening to me as a lifelong Envoy as former Knight Commander, yet I realize the logic behind the Star Chambers decision. For far too long the Society and Clan leaders have been at odds on how to operate the Society and her Envoys. Now, each Clan will have that task firmly in their laps.
To that end, CSP has revived the position of Rollmaster. The RM will be responsible for several aspects that the Envoys used to perform. They will be tasked with welcoming new members, reminding them of promotion guidelines, updating the activity trackers, and generally being a source of information and guidance for new members.
As of right now, the new Rollmasters for HAD and HDS are Uzbad for HAD and Dante for HDS. HC is diligently searching for the right candidate for the job, but once they figure it all out, theyll be making an announcement.
Activity or AWOL
Ooooh, whats this?
AoA as it will be abbreviated is a program that I have been working on since the beginning of the year. After several revisions and changes from the House Summits, we finally have a plan to implement. Starting April 1st, the plan will be in effect. It is basically a list of things that you can accomplish at the Journeyman ranks in order to avoid being marked as AWOL.
This will only affect Journeyman up to the rank of Protector, as those above that rank should be paired with a Master and that Master should know whether or not the student is AWOL.
Be prepared for this in April.
Speaking of Masters and Students, I know that I have been lagging on this front. It is to this end that I have decided that I need help in that arena in the form of an Assistant Envoy for Clan Scholae Palatinae. Yes, I know, the SoE was disbanded, but I cant think of a more appropriate name for it yet other than Luciens Pet. This person will be tasked with welcoming ALL members of the Clans, maintaining the MSP list, reviewing Trials, and setting up Master/Student Pairings based on Survey Answers (more about the surveys shortly). It is with great pleasure that I announce that Traan Reith, my Apprentice and the Project Lead for Artifacts will be the first Assistant Envoy for CSP. Congrats Traan, Ill be on your backside shortly.
Finally, I am waiting on approval from the MAA about this months competition. I apologize for not getting out sooner, but we almost got the feud off the ground for this month. Matter of fact, if it were up to us, we would have had it started March 1st, but there were those involved in the planning that felt that we needed to slow down and take this feud thing a bit slower. So, we have postponed it. Once I get approval, I will announce the competition to the entire Clan. Rest assured that it is something DB related that will not take you very long in the different portions, but will take some time and thought overall.
Master/Student Surveys
A couple of you have already seen these when you requested a Master or Student. These will be common practice for all new Students and the Master Surveys will become a part of their Master biography on the website. (ooooh, more tidbits, Lucien is learning from the DC)
The long and short of it is that I have come up with a short survey for both Masters and Students to fill out. Their answers will help Traan and I determine the appropriate Master for each individual Student so that we get the best pairing possible.
Old School (Non-Will Farrell)
Timbal sent me something the other day that was around before my time in CSP. It is something very old school, very rooted in Star Wars. It is something that I think we will be using in the near future, after some updates and revisions to bring the plan into the 21st Century so to speak.
This is the direction I want to push this Clan. We need to get back to our roots as a dominant writing Clan. We have our gamers, and they do all they can for Scholae. We have our graphics gorillas, and they do awesome work. But what we have always been known for is our writing. From fictions to run-ons to poetry, there are very few in the DB that can hold a candle to the likes of Natth, Niemand, RevengeX, Rasilvenaira, myself, Kat, Thran, Impetus, and even Phoenix when he puts his mind to it. Even Prajna is getting to that upper echelon of writers within CSP.
Now I know that there are some of you who are more than decent in more than one area. (RH, Blade, Arch, Dante) This does not mean that I think that your writing is bad on any level. I personally dont think anyones writing is bad, as I have reread some of my early musings and none of them were any good. I have since learned syntax, structure and better grammar skills and my writing have grown by leaps and bounds.
So, I guess what I am trying to say here is that we will be focusing in the future on bringing CSP back to where it could be. We know that well dominate any writing events, so long as they dont allow Telona to enter everything three times. :P What we dont know is how well stand up to the rigors of gaming. We had a good showing in the latest GJW, but I know that we can do better.
I know, Ive started to ramble, so Ill warp this section up. Were getting back to basics people. We are getting back to a Clan that is centered around Star Wars and well be implementing new and old ideas to further this cause. Be on the lookout!
For those of you who dont know, I am a Tax Preparer in San Francisco. January 1st to April 15th is my busy season. This means that at any given moment, I have anywhere from 10-15 client files on my desk waiting to be entered into our tax program and sent off to the IRS. This also means that I am not around on IRC as much as usual. Trust me when I say that will all change April 16th when we have the returns either out or on extension.
The best way to get ahold of me if you have a question that needs immediate attention is to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. It shows up in my Yahoo Messenger and I can reply easily from work.
Till next time,
~Prelate Lucien Kaeth
ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae
Grand Marshall of the Cocytus System
Honored Envoy
Viceroy of the Scholae Palatinae Senate
Order of the Pterodactyl: Third Echelon
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