It never rains but it poors is the saying thats been running through my mind recently.
As youve seen Ive barely been about recently as things have gone rather tits up in RL. One of my best friends from school was killed in India recently so Ive been tabbing between home there, home in London and University. Im back home there this weekend for the funeral but I dont expect to be around again until perhaps midweek.
Im going to move on and keep this sweet as its taking form of an update rather than a full report (which Ill endeavour to produce next week, with the usual trimmings). The Feuds over and Galeres won, but then we all knew that was going to happen. Great job those of you who dropped in on it, I know a lot of us were incredibly busy, special nod going to Mal who hammered a lot of it out. Flicking through my inbox I see a lot of stuff moving through, Ill try to bring light to that in a short while but youll have to wait for now..
My internet connection is temperamental to say the least at the moment, something to do with network upgrades in my halls, which roughly translates as making the internet slower, my mail turn around will be a little slower but Ill get back to you.
As I said short and a sweet and Ill close,
Keep it Tidy
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