The Artisans Comp is over! Well done to all who participated. Trev is still busy grading but should have results out soon. For my part I would like to say congrats to the following for placing in the Draw Like Malik comp I ran.
1st place goes to Zaxen
2nd place goes to Alexander Anderson
3rd place goes to Robert Bob Atema Daragon
Well done all of you!
*DB News: *
Our very own Astronicus Tron Sadow was promoted to Dark Jedi Master for all his hard work as Wiki Tribune as well as everything he has done for Clan Naga Sadow and the Brotherhood as a whole. His wisdom and advice has not gone unnoticed. Congratulations, Tron! Well deserved!
In other news, there is a new Shadow Academy course out for the Hand to Hand Combat Guide written by our very own Muz Keibatsu Sadow! This is a valuable course for all you ACCrs out there so check it out.
Also, we are now offering real sabres to anyone that is a Protector or higher. This is just a taste of what is yet to come, as there is only one hilt available, three colours and one sabre form, but it will give your character the chance to develop their skills before being knighted. Now, go have fun!
I have been working on the MSP program with Sai. We are trying to get it better organized and see what we can do to help the masters and make reporting easier. Ive also been working on the Envoy system within CNS as it has been disbanded by the DC.
I am also in an ACC match with Halc at the moment. The former Combat Master has picked a fight with this Keibatsu. The link to the battle is here for those that are interested in following it.
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