Brothers and Sisters,
<edit>First... a disclaimer... I could have sworn that I sent this out yesterday before my Fantasy Baseball Draft. Apparently, I only minimized it. </edit> Another week has passed and we continue to circle the wagons and rally around the ideal that is Clan Plagueis, but where will it take us... when will we finally decide to prove our worth. It is one matter to say we are a great Clan that has a promising future, it is an entirely different to step forward and show people. Great change begins with tiny steps. And each submission you make to Brotherhood-wide events is how we will measure those first initial, crucial steps of our Clans growth.
Clan News
I begin with the announcement of the House Satal Keto Aedile. I know a great deal of applications were sent in - a positive sign of young, eager leadership - but the Quaestor could only appoint one individual. Alex chose Jedi Hunter Alaris Jinn as his next-in-line after a rigorous battery of questions. Several deciding factors on this appointment were the vision and desire of Alaris to continue advancing beyond the position of Aedile. Remember, everyone, that these positions are not the end of the road, but the beginning of a glorious, long journey that could land you in the seat of power. No, not Grand Master (you would have to be insane for that), but the position of Consul.
Get out there and show me you have the will to fight, Plagueis.
I came in with a lot of talk about change. And somewhere in the mix it got sidelined by continual leadership changes and the forthcoming Independence Games and Clan Feud that is on our horizon. That stops this week. I should be churning out some fundamental work to staple down our direction and future. Again, if you want to help the CON... prove you have the chops by first participating in either one of the T:F's competitions or my Current Events competition.
Brotherhood News
Resignations: The Master At Arms & the Taldryan Consul have both resigned, citing personal reasons. It is unfortunate that the Dark Council loses two members in the same week, but there are always eager, willing individuals ready to step forward. Should you be interested in applying for the position of Master At Arms, be sure to read the post by Sarin.
Link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:5211
Wiki News & Elevation: Our T:W (Tribune:Wiki) Dark Adept Tron was elevated to Dark Jedi Master. He also released a report (via Sarin) to remind you all that we should be diligent in our use of the 'show preview' button.
Link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:5204
Combat Master Report: Sharad has released his two-week recap report. He admittedly is surprised he has not been fired, but that is not the real news... amongst the notes included (and a subsequent News Post), he has said the revised staff will take back the 'Training' duties. Be sure to read the CM's reports for good insight in improvement of your technique.
Link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=R:11156
Head Master Report: Aabsdu, our former Consul, has released a new report concerning the affairs of the Shadow Academy. Amongst the information provided is a link, and mini-article, about the new Hand-to-Hand course. This is something you should most definitely invest the time in.
Link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=R:11162
The Message
Achievements and Aspirations: Where we have been and where we are going. It is a bold title, is it not? When one looks back at the Brotherhood's growth in my time (just a little over three years), you cannot deny that we have considerably grown. Our numbers are better, our 'toys' are much cooler and the club has advanced in a very good direction. But do we dare to look at the parallel road that was not taken?
I speak not of a perpendicular route that would have led us to disaster, but the road that could have taken us to greater, soaring heights than those we find ourselves on now. A number of great Elders have cited 'politics' and 'immaturity' in their discussions before their immanent departure (when I spoke with them). Have we let the monster evolve too far... has the internal turmoil gotten away from its task masters? I have seen arguments that lend strength to both sides of the argument. But my concern, less than where we have been, is where are we going to go...
To find our place in the Star Wars fandom, dictate our new mission as a new age opens, and evolve into a unified club, opposed to a splintered set of Clans. To what level will we set our social contract with one another... and how will we hold one another accountable, as well as those whom occupy positions of authority within the Brotherhood. There is no precise answer for any of this, but I challenge you all to send me - privately - your own thoughts about the future of the Brotherhood.
I know that my eyes - far too often - are looking to the future. Share your dream with me and I will share mine with you.
So how will we 'grow' our clan? I have given this a tremendous deal of thought and I believe that the only way we will succeed is if I hold our Clan leaders accountable for the most mundane of tasks... so that they may quickly facilitate growth in our younger members. In addition, I will hold you all accountable for spreading the word of the Brotherhood and bringing us new members. I, myself, am a member of a local Star Wars community and probably will be joining up with the 501st Bloodfin Garrison. That is an untouched resource, or pool, of future members. And I challenge each of you to consider how to integrate yourself in more off-line clubs/activities to help drive our membership. If you need ideas, please contact me!
Last, but not least, I want to say... it is going to be a big week. We have a lot of discussion going on with our primary leadership and I expect to have a future outlined for Plagueis by the weekend. It will be a plan of action that will carry the Clan forward, regardless of the personnel we have to complete it.
I am, your servant,
Braecen Kaeth
_Consul of Clan Plagueis
Safeguarder of Sheep_
Braecen Kaeth (Krath Pontifex) / CON-EP / Clan Plagueis
[GMRG: RG3-G] [KSoE:FE] [ACC: CE:3]
RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-BL / Cr-3D-12R-24A-32S-15E-11T-6Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-PL / SI-AuL / SoF-AgL / SoL-BE / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk-9P
You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...
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