Ooohhh another exciting week = another exciting report! I like the relationship.
DB Emails: 152
I must of course thank Strats for the new Graphics, I think they look pretty nifty. Your graphically challenged Quaestor needs all the help he can get when it comes to Paint or Paint like utilities.
edit I cannot make the new nifty graphics work!
This week of course was the first for our new Aedile, and I must say, he accomplished his duties without hurting himself or others, and he was instrumental in helping me clarify a planning document for the Consul.
This document basically presented a case for what I would like to accomplish over the next quarter, mostly administrative tasks that will help increase our retention of new members as well as increase the participation of the old and crusty ones. Basically DJK and over.
In that sense, I am looking for volunteers who will be handsomely compensated for their time and efforts, and who wish to help in the Fictional Development of House Satal Keto, our holdings, planets, bases, military forces, etc. I need graphics artists, skilled writers, and even gamers.
Those who are interested please dont hesitate to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] so that I can begin to organize design and development teams.
On a totally different subject, the Independence Games are fast approaching, our Consul Braecen has asked me to inform you that he would like to see tremendous participation from Plagueis in this competition, and I have to agree with him!
The newly released Merit system of Military Ranks will also be directly influenced by this DB wide competition. Itll be the first big competition where you can show your stuff off. This is of course in addition to all the fringe benefits that come with Crescents and organization wide recognition that an event this scale can bring.
Check out the wiki about the new Military Ranks at
Email Brae at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with your branch of service!
Weve got plenty of news on this front this week!
Steel Cross- Callus BoAmar, for all his hard work and dedication as Clan Envoy, and his work with various students. Well deserved Callus.
Dark Cross- Alaris Jinn, work as Consuls assistant. FIRST MERIT MEDAL! (of many to come) Congrats
Dark Cross- Vivackus Kavon, dedication to House and Clan, strong participation and creativity. Good Job Viv, I want to see more!
Dark Cross- Alex dTana, what? me? Yay!
Legion of the Scholar- Alaris First Place in the CONs Trivia
Legion of the Scholar- Strats Second Place in the CONs Trivia
Excellent week for awards, 4 merit medals! Id say thats the best week so far in that department, keep it up everybody!
None this week, I see, your all saving it up for the Independence Games!
DB Basics- Silent
Lightsaber Studies- Doku
Lots of things going on at the moment.
My St. Paddys Day competition is still ongoing till the end of the month, please submit to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] your most creative drink recipe. Ive had some really great submissions so far, and it has caused me to take a trip into the USofA just to buy necessary ingredients.
Kill that Rabbit is also ongoing, kill the rabbit and send your submissions of you doing it to JC at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Easter Game Time. Alaris wants you to play the game at the following link, get the highest score you can, take a screen shot and email it to him, highest score wins! [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
SV Wiki Article. Strats is still solicting any fiction and articles on his Battleteam, send to him at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Conclusions already!
Get on IRC, to download and then jump on the Undernet server and join the Channel Plagueis
The Independence Games are fast approaching, to prepare and take advantage of this competition, read the new Officers Ranks wiki article and email Braecen with your branch of service [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and
Congrats to all medal winners!
Happy Easter!
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