House Dinaari Quaestor Report #13 - March 23, 2008
Greetings all,
<p>There has been a large amount of news over the past week so if you haven't been paying attention now is a great time to do so. As you probably know our long serving Clan Consul, Duga, has resigned his position after leading our Clan to nonstop victory for over two years. For his efforts Duga was elevated to the rank of Dark Side Adept and is now sitting in the Old Folks' Home of the House as an Elder. Be sure to thank and congratulate Duga for his hard work and dedication to the Clan.
<p>Replacing Duga as Consul is Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir. Halc has been involved with Taldryan for a fair while now and has been in a variety of different leadership spots throughout the Brotherhood. Nothing major will change as everyone else is staying in their same spot. Let me personally say that Halc will make a great Taldryan Consul and both Tarax and I are pleased with Duga's replacement. Halc will no doubt continue to lead our First Clan over the pathetic rubble of the other, lesser, Clans.
<p>The third major piece of news is that our very own Ben has released v2. Through his hard work and hours of bug testing and fixing we have a brand new website that remains as easy to use as the old site but with a much sharper look and easier administration and backend. It is critically important that you register with this site - just follow the link on the left sidebar to automatically sign up with your DJB dossier number. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
<p>The fourth bit of important news is that we have launched the House Dinaari Intern Program. Basically we select one intern every other month who will be placed in our Roll Master slot (to get database administration privileges) and will learn the ropes of leadership and administration from the best in the Brotherhood! Dig through your e-mails to find my original mail on the subject or check out my news post on for more information on this exciting opportunity available to all Journeymen of Taldryan.
<p>The 2008 Independence Games are coming up within a month I believe so get ready to kick some ass. CSP is coming up with their usual delusions of grandeur so time to stomp the hope out of them. There is also a House War about to happen in the near future so there is a lot of fun things coming up. The Independence Games this year are celebrating the Brotherhood's 5th year anniversary from our separation with the Emperor's Hammer. There will be a special issue of the Taldryan Times coming out in celebration so get your articles in to Halc!
<p>Again, there's tons of competitions running on all levels this month so there's something for everyone. Be sure to spend five minutes in MS paint to get credit for my "EPIC Banner II" comp, or write a quick and easy 1-2 page fiction for my "Vong Showdown" topic. Check out the competition listing at the end of this report for a more detailed look at our offerings but remember all competitions end in a week! Get your submissions in now!
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<p>House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan proudly recognize the following individuals on their recent honors ...
<p>For being an awesome webmaster, Benevolent Taldrya Whiner received a Grand Cross of the Dark Side. He also obtained sixteen Clusters of Fire for gaming prowess.
<p>Kalen Nor is a recent addition to our House and already he has earned a promotion to the rank of Novice. Congratulations on the elevation and we hope you prove to be a valuable member of the Clan.
<p>Finally, Baali Sutekh earned a *Dark Maven - Philosophy * degree from the Shadow Academy for completing all of the requirements necessary. Well done!
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<p>In another day or so I will hit six months as Quaestor of this fine House (surpassing Sharad's record of time served as well). It has been a tremendous honor to serve the Brotherhood's greatest Clan in this capacity and I hope to serve for as long as possible. I have had the privilege of observing many Journeymen advance through the ranks and seeing our Elders lead us to victory on many occasions. I wish to thank you for all of your hard work in the name of Taldryan and I hope you keep it up so Taldryan can retain the title of "First Clan" for as long as possible. Thank you for being a great House to serve and here's to another six months!
<p>So far Tarax and I have received a number of applications for our open intern position. I want to take the time to remind all Journeymen to take your time on applying. You have a week left to apply so read the instructions carefully and make sure everything is in order before you submit your application.
<p>As always I recommend getting on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to talk with your fellow Taldryan members (and the rest of the DJB if you so choose). For our Journeymen there is a wealth of competitions going on right now so if you want to get ahead start participating! Your rank is determined solely by you. Have a great week!
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<p>DB-Wide Events
<li> March Gaming Competition (Ends on 03/31)
<li> Time of War: Assets (Ends on 03/31)
<li> Swordhand (Ends on 03/31)
<li> ACC Quick Skirmish (Ends on 03/31)
<li> MAA Insanity! (Ends on 03/31)
<li> Gaming Nights (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)</li>
<p>Clan-Wide Events
<li> A New Hope: Tal Trivia (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)
<li> Reports Work - For Everyone (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31) <li>A Time for Remembrance (Ends on 3/31)</li>
<p>House Dinaari Events
<li> EPIC Banner II (Ends 03/31)
<li> Vong Showdown (Ends 03/31)
<li>Graffiti the Aedile! (Ends on 03/31)
<li>No, This is Not Based Entirely on Julie's Life (Ends 03/31)
<li> Resurrection of Dominus Sicarius (Ongoing; Ends on 03/30)
<li> Dinaari Intelligence Exercise (DIE) (Ongoing; Ends 04/30)</li>
<p>For more detailed descriptions of the above competitions, please visit the competitions listing by clicking here.
</p><p /> -> ~ Important Links ~
Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy
Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex
<p /> -> For Taldryan,
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