Disciples of the Ascendant Clan,
Another seven days have passed us by and our Clan continues to work towards establishing a solid, powerful foundation to grow from. And building a Clan is, truly, a form of architecture - from the Consul's perspective. You end up seeing your current leaders as keystones in which the entire structure leans in on... but, when you think about it, it requires many other pieces to make that one, individual stone valuable. Because, without those other blocks, the keystone would be irrelevant - a single rock with minimal value. And I can say much about myself and fellow leaders on the Command Staff... without our active members, we are nothing but a group of individuals preaching to the stars above.
So use this week to lean on your superiors... give them a sense of worth and they will come alive in the pursuit of improving, or bettering, your unit in both the long and short term. Because I know they look upon each of you as unique individuals capable of moving mountains.
Clan News
A military regime in the Jusadih System? You heard it right, folks. Utilizing the chaos in the aftermath of the Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, a weak centralized government, the New Republic distracted by their extragalactic enemies and a vast sum of credits promised to the New Republic from Sistros Acquisitions & Holdings... we have bought ourselves a government. But, I assure you, we did not do this to appease our meager hunger for power... well, maybe sort of... but, this move was a necessary catalyst to expand the control of Sistros and its sister companies coming under our banner. By stabilizing our near-core system and bringing together a series of companies - expanding our profit margin and direction - we stand to gain great rewards!
But, as I have also noted, we are short on capable Officers. Ky and I have drafted a considerable number of soldiers from the local planets, but we can only entrust their command to members of the Ascendant Clan. As such, should you wish to further investigate the system review the appropriate holonet transmission (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Clan_Plagueis_Officer_Ranks). Should you wish to enlist, and serve, contact your Consul: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and be sure to include your desired branch of service.
Last, but not least, with Alaris moving to the position of HSK AED... I had need of a new Consul's Assistant. As I have reviewed applications for HSK AED twice now... one member stood out in both rounds, but lacked the polish and experience of Alex and Alaris. As such, I will be working with Jedi Hunter Vivackus to round out his skill set and he will, likewise, work on some projects to help our Clan further establish a solid base of power and ability.
Brotherhood News
Taldryan Consul Announced: The Grand Master has appointed Dark Jedi Master Halcyon Rokir to serve as the acting Consul of Clan Taldryan. Halcyon has previously served as Consul of Clan Arcona, Master At Arms, Deputy Grand Master and Combat Master. I, personally, look forward to seeing how he will reintegrate with the Dark Council, once again.
Just-I-ca-R-C Problems: I am not sure what I was shooting for there... but the Justicar has been experiencing difficulties with his new home's ability to stay connected to IRC. Some of you may have seen/noticed him bouncing in and out of our channel more than a pogo stick lately... that is why. If you have any issues to discuss with him, I strongly suggest using e-mail.
Link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:5214
Tribune: Fiction Reminder: Sith Battle Lord Raken has reminded everyone that both of his competitions "Swordhand" & "Time of War:Assets" are coming to a close at the end of the month. This is your chance to earn Second Level Crescents (Ruby, Amethyst, Sapphire) and bring fame/renown to Clan Plagueis.
Link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/comments.asp?ID=N:5210
The Message
Today, as I write, is Easter. And what better day is there to deliver a message on resurrection or, more appropriately, second chances. There will be members across the Brotherhood stating that Clan Plagueis is dead... inactive... undeserving. A few individuals might also be inclined to agree with them, but I believe they would be mistaken. There is a discreet, powerful pulse lying under the calm surface of this Clan. A horde of new members give us life and enthusiasm... a host of older members provide us vision and experience. It is a deadly, nay... lethal... combination for a Clan that everyone has written off.
We are in the process of sculpting our vision/progression for the next quarter at the House level right now. House Satal Keto - in the capable hands of Alex d'Tana - has already outlined a plan of attack and began to map out which projects they are going to begin. House Exar Kun - under the steadfast presence of Cipher - is formulating their plan of attack, but has already created a team of willing writers. I am utilizing both leaders and members to create a vision for the direction of Clan Plagueis - fictionally and functionally - so that we may reinforce our foundation and grow into a powerful, mighty Clan. It is a good time to be a member of this Clan... as new stars will shine and old ones will find the optimism to burn bright once again.
So, as I always preach, lets begin driving our activity as a Clan. We are afforded the perfect opportunity to demonstrate our passion and drive in the month of April with the 2008 Independence Games. This will be your chance to showcase your dynamic abilities and commitment to the ideals of Plagueis: having fun while being the best. Find your best pen, dust off those games... a Brotherhood-wide Event is nearly upon us.
I am very big into 'unlocking the power of my people' as a leader. In fact, it was part of my outline when I got the position of Clan Plagueis Consul. I want you to come to me with your ideas, fears and concerns... I also want you to come to me with your dreams and aspirations... and, just maybe, we can put them all together and sort out the path to help you grow and achieve those lofty ambitions (I like lofty goals).
I also encourage each of you to utilize IRC. It allows for our Clan members to communicate and form a strategy as to our overall and individual growth. I do my best to be available to each and every one of you on there... so drop me a line!
I am, your servant,
Braecen Kaeth
_Consul of Clan Plagueis
Safeguarder of Sheep_
Braecen Kaeth (Krath Pontifex) / CON-EP / Clan Plagueis
[GMRG: RG3-G] [KSoE:FE] [ACC: CE:3]
RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-BL / Cr-3D-12R-24A-32S-15E-11T-6Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-PL / SI-AuL / SoF-AgL / SoL-BE / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk-9P
You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...
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