Report time. <p>
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This is going to be a brief report, just to touch on project progress and the like.
Yes, we are still working on the mad updates to the character sheet, force powers and order updates. RL has struck many of our coders particularly bad, and we're trying our hardest to get these things launched ASAP. Have a little patience...trust me, they are well worth the wait.
Journeymen were issued lightsabers earlier... this was done to reflect the fictional 'gearing up' of the Brotherhood's forces. They do not get access to the full selector, but they will have a rudimentary saber to use against the DBs enemies in the coming conflicts. I will be going through and adding the armory saber to the full selector, as I understand that several people like the design, but if you are above knight, the selector doesn't work. That should be fixed in the next few days or so.
The Society of Envoys was disbanded. The 'Preceptor' robes which were only available to the envoys are now available to anyone equite 1 or higher.
Other stuff was done on the clan artifacts trade in, but that system is still not ready for the consuls to go through and go on a shopping spree. :P
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Furries: ruining the internets for over 30 years!</p><p>
admit it, you didn't even notice Björk at first.</p><p>
I've heard of brown-bagging it, but this...</p><p>
Well, that explains the last picture.</p><p>
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Congrats and thanks go to:
Halc on Taldryan Consul
Shadow on Deputy Combat Master
Xander for getting Knighted
Cyris for his return
<p> Oh yeah, Apply for Master at Arms<p>
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Told you, it'd be brief. If you guys have any questions, or need any help, shoot me an email, or PM me on IRC. Have fun!
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Just wanted to say congrats to Halc on Taldryan Consul, and I am looking forward to the updates! Good work guys.
BJ rocks! *Bj-some_weirdly_accented_"o"rk rocks!
Grats to Halc!
And thanks to everyone for the warm welcome, its nice to be back! :)