Random Quotes
“If the battle for civilization comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win.”
--Thomas Sowell
As promised, the latest edition of clan notes are here.
New Arrivals
I’d like to publicly welcome Nyu-Shin, Sceleris, and Ronc Yenfag to the clan. They have all joined us in the past couple of weeks.
Also, though not necessarily new folks, Deatharoc and Kaz have returned from their respective leaves. Welcome back!
Vai Azexel to Protector
Drichar Deis to Protector
DB News
The Justicar is still accepting applications for the Appeals Panel. The requirements are on the main DB page.
In the other clans, Trev has moved to Proconsul of CNS while Ashia has been named the new Consul. Halc is the new Consul of Taldryan.
We should have a new Master at Arms any day now.
Real life stuff has delayed the release of some new features for the DB site.
Big DB competition coming up in the near future. That is all I can say right now.
Protectors and higher can now choose from one of three lightsaber designs for the dossiers, not counting training sabers.
Clan News- Leadership Changes
After dedicated service, Armus has decided to step down as Proconsul. Real life has gotten to him and he didn’t think it was fair to the clan to stay in the position.
Doni has taken over as Aedile in Tridens because, unfortunately, Sephiroth got hit with real life issues as well.
Clan News- Tridens Testing Ground
Tridens is currently testing a new way of running the house. We’re hoping that it will increase activity while reducing the amount of bureaucratic issues house leaders have to deal with. If it is successful, we’ll roll the program out to the entire clan.
The Big News- What I Mentioned in my last E-mail to the clan . . .
In about 7-8 months, if all goes according to plan, the Brotherhood will be engaging in the 9th Great Jedi War. For new members, the Great Jedi War is the big event in the Brotherhood: all the clans face off against each other in a series of events (gaming, fiction, ACC, etc) centered around a central plotline.
Our only goal for this upcoming Great Jedi War is to improve our standing. We finished fourth in the last Great Jedi War, but I know that this clan is capable of so much more than that. I would personally love for the clan to take first place and shut Taldryan up, and it is entirely within the realm of possibility, but only if everyone gives their best, even at the expense of dealing with not too great story events. Now, how will we do this?
First off, every competition on the clan level from here until the Great Jedi War will be geared towards getting the clan ready for the war. Events will vary, but they will all be united by this theme.
There will be plenty of opportunity for personal growth, both fictionally and practically. For the fiction writers amongst us, this means character development opportunities. Speaking of which, Rekio and I are currently working on the clan powers. We’re hoping to give you more options with them, and not just the zombie/Frankenstein feel they have right now (though those things certainly have their part).
Gamers need to continue to practice with each other and in gaming nights. People who want to improve their writing should ask for the help, and when they submit to any fiction event I host, I will provide a critique for them upon request.
Run-ons will be a staple event in the clan, as noted before. In fact, in preparation for the Great Jedi War, I would like to get a designated team of our best run-on writers together. This team will be the primary participants in the Great Jedi War run-on, though since participation often plays a part in the scoring, anyone can still participate. However, there is one exception to this: if, over the course of the next several months, you prove yourself incapable of being a good participant in clan run-ons, I will not let you participate in the GJW run-on. If you’re interested in being on the run-on team, please contact me.
I will try to arrange competitions with other clans to provide some new faces and challenges for us. Arcona and CNS are likely participants since I’ve talked about such things with Mejas and Trev before.
In short, the clan leadership will provide you with ample opportunities to develop your skills and your character. I hope that those who are already good with fiction, gaming, the ACC, or whatever, will step up and help the other members of the clan.
High levels of quality participation will guarantee a better outcome for the next GJW. The next GJW may seem a ways off, but in reality, it isn’t. We must get ready now. Oh, and speaking of which, not liking the plotline and/or the people putting the GJW together doesn’t constitute a valid reason to not participate.
We will make this clan even better than it already is!
DJM Anshar Kahn Tarentae
Consul of Clan Tarentum
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