Awesome job everyone! Lots of awards and activity! As well as Inner Battle Team Promotions! And it is worth noting we have our first member heading down the path of their order! Keep it up everyone! You are representing the belief and ways of the Night Hawks! You should all be VERY proud of yourselves!
OCC: A reminder that AT LEAST ONE BATTLE TEAM COMPETITION MUST be done in order for you to remain in the Night Hawks.
Krath TetrarchBTL--Jade Imperial--Dark Jedi Knight--Fallen
Sith Flight MemberTeuProtectorEnforcer
Krath TyroTritherusProtectorEnforcer
Krath TyroZaxen DauketrenalJedi HunterEnforcer
Sith Flight Member - Ekeia Iclo Jedi Hunter Hawk
Obelisk TrooperZarothGuardianTrainee
Krath TyroVorionGuardianEnforcer
Obisk TrooperMorrigan Ryukossei JadeTemplarTrainee
We welcome into our ranks:
Morrigan Ryukossei Jade! Welcome aboard!
Within the Night Hawks
Tritherus is promoted to Enforcer
Vorion is promoted to Enforcer
Teu is promoted to Enforcer
Ekeia is promoted to Hawk
Below you will see where you are at, and what you need to do to get higher up! For now the standings are as followed:
Ekeia--> 2x comps for Vulture
Zaroth-->1x comps for Enforcer 2nd Class
Teu2X comps for Hawk
Tritherus3X comps for Hawk
Zaxen Dauketrenal2X comps for Hawk
Vorion2X comps for Hawk
Morrigan3X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class
1)What to do about hiccups. This one is open to all of HMR. Our Queastor has the hiccups. What did he do to get them and how will he get rid of them?
2)Give Mr. Snurpy a jobWeek one. The specifics of your BTLs pet can be found below. Pick any member of the DB, give reasons why you would hire Mr. Snurpy to go after them and for what job. He will respond with his acceptance, an important details for week 2!
3)On a Mission. Here is a simulation of fighting the Vong in a brand new place and environment. Kill your enemies, collect the spheres, and save the DB! Dont forget to send in your screen shots with this one!
4)Quote the Star Wars Movie 3. By ever popular demand this one keeps coming back. It s open to all of the clan! Go test your skills of the movies that started it all!
5)Nursery Rhyme Time. We all know Jack and Jill, Hickory Dickory dock, Mary had a little lamb, and the rest, but what we need are some good old fashioned CNS Rhymes. Perhaps someone has a drinking problem, not mentioning any names (cough Bob*cough*) or someone gets too friendly with Fred. Either way come up with your very own CNS Nursery Rhyme. Open to all of CNS.
6)The Hallmark Card. Open to all of CNS. We all know the jokes about how people come from hallmark cards, or something like that. Well, has anyone ever seen a sappy Halmark card for Dark Jedi's? Nope! And we still won't! Come up with your own Halmark card verse or phrase, with a Dark Jedi Twist.
7)The Hunt is On. Open to all of CNS. There are 10 eggs hidden throughout the clans bases. Each egg has a hidden prize. Anything from 5 credits to the one golden egg that has a week of vacation time (this one is very well hidden so you need to make sure if you find this one you have a more involved story). Your task is to write a fiction of where you find your egg(s), how many you find (maximum find of 5 eggs) how you find your egg(s), and whats in your egg(s).
8)The Milk Carton. Open to all of CNS. Our PCON has gone missing. Either she has been kidnapped or has run away on vacation. Either way no one has seen her for a while. Your task, come up with a milk carton photo and description of our missing PCON. Mention any rewards for her return or for her permanent disappearance. Have fun!
9)A New Medal. Only the Night Hawks can do this one! There is a new special honor with in the Night Hawks, each week the member that is the most active will be presented with said medal, however before this can go into effect and be looked at further we need to see what this medal would look like. (This medal would then be placed on your wiki page should you achieve a medal)
Your task is to draw what this medal will look like. The winning entry will be used as the medal. Be creative and have fun.
Shadow Academy Courses:
Zaxen passed Deneba: History of the Sith Empire III and achieved his Dark Maven History degree! Great job!
Zaroth- Crescent with Emerald star.
Vorion- Crescent with Quartz star, Crescent with Emerald star, scroll of indoctrination
Tritherus- Crescent with Topaz Star
Ekeia- A Crescent with Sapphire Star and the HLK ADE black guard position!
Jade Atema- Crescent with Topaz Star
Teu- Crescent with Topaz Star
Ekeia- until April 14 2008
Teu- Until April 7 2008
Jade Atema- Im gone all, see ya around!
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