BTL Report
Cethgus sat in his office and once again was doing a load of paper work muttering under his breath. He continued to work and had been sitting in his office for a while now. Finally finishing the last bit of work he had on his desk the Obelisk let out a sigh of relief.
Another week gone by Cethgus said as he exited his office.
Opening the doors to his Quarters Cethgus smirked as he just sat back into his comfortable chair. Looking at the fire his eyes seemed to be fixed into the flames which lapped at the air above them. Knowing that changes would soon be heading towards the Clan as a whole.
IG is now staring us in the face and I want to see you all participating in it. We can win this so lets just got for it. And of course its coming up to the 1st very soon so everyone keep an eye out and look around for who our newest member will be. And for who you are I welcome you into Blades of Chaos, you have joined our ranks as the elite of House Dorimad Sol.
And of course you guys have filled my inbox up again so thanks a lot people.
Angelo Dante 74 CFs , Pendent of Blood, Crescent with Amethyst Star, 3x Legion of Scholar
Robin Hawk 26 CFs
Cethgus Incendia 6 CFs
Congratulations to everyone who passed an exam this week.
Robin Hawk Old republic history, Obelisk Core
Congratulations to everyone who participated in the ACC.
OT Angelo Dante - Win
I have said it time and time again, that if you need some work I am always here to give some out so just come and see me in a PM or something.
Cethgus out
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