Hey Everyone! Welcome to this edition of the Grand Master report. This edition is brought to you a week or so late thanks to our good friend Mr. Sadr. My apologies. <p> Anyways, lets get this report started and go over new promotions, new high level awards, new positions, and an update on why you don't have pimp ass Force Powers (yet).
New/Old MAA: If you have not already heard the news or read the news page, Kaek is our new MAA. There were several outstanding applications submitted for the position of MAA and making a decision was very difficult. Muz and I looked over every one and we kept coming back to Kaek's application as the one that was the closest to where we want to take our award system. <p>
But Sarin, Kaek made the system how it is today!!!<p>
Yes, Kaek is a big part of why our current system is the way it is; however, Kaek also believes that the system needs a major overhaul and that it needs to make more sense. <p>A Sergeant who wins the Medal of Honor is not told he has to wait to get promoted to Staff Sergeant because he just received a nice award, but rather he is promoted faster to Staff Sergeant because of that award. That is where we are headed....in one form or another.
Update: Force Powers: Okay, here is the no-shit assessment of where the Force Powers stand: The General Force Powers and Order Force Powers are complete. A portion of the coding still needs to be completed prior to them being released. This release will also bring a complete overhaul to the character sheet and this bit of coding is what still remains to be finished. Everyone has read Jac's post and we all know that his real life is a little tied up right now. As soon as Jac can get his stable connection, we should be rocking and rolling (also, if you can code, you need to let us know. Jac/Sil can't remain our primary coder for ever).
Order Update: Coming hand in hand with the Force Powers is an Orders Discipline system that will introduce three disciplines within each order. This system, like the force powers, is all but complete. We should see it package with the Force Powers.<p>
_Kraval _: Kraval Novir served as MAA for a little over one year. In that time he averaged 350 approvals per month. We often discount the work of the MAA as a button pusher, but in reality it is one of the most difficult jobs in the Dark Brotherhood. Kraval read (and we all know he read) every promotion, competition request, and award. Not only did he read them, but he researched them and he often forced us to better articulate exactly it was that our members did to earn their shiney. Kraval's dedication to the position of the MAA allowed a set standard of awarding in our club for one year and that is something that we have rarely had. In honor of Kraval's hard work and dedication, I am promoting him to the rank of Sith Warlord. Congrats Kraval.
Shadow: We have some members who I don't even know where to start with. Shadow, in his infinite thrusting is one such member. I guess we can start with the fact that Shadow was the First Hero of the Great Jedi War. From there we can talk about the fact he was also the Second Hero of the Rite of Supremacy. We might even talk about his 8 months of service as the gaming tribune. Hell, we could talk about his two and a half years as an influential Elder. However, lets just talk about his promotion to Dark Jedi Master.<p>
For his dedication to the Dark Brotherhood through unparalleled activity and outstanding leadership, Dark Adept Shadow Taldryan is promoted to Dark Jedi Master.
Impetus: We give the AK to members who better the Dark Brotherhood in ways that others before them have not. In the case of Impetus, this definition holds true. Over the course of several months Impetus has been a dynamic and hyper productive leader in CSP. Her efforts on the DB Wiki, Websites, research projects, new member mentorship, competitions, and a host of other things have separated her as an outstanding member of the DB.<p>
On behalf of her PCON, CON, and Clan, I am proud to award Impetus the AK!<p>
Seals of Loyalty and the SS: It is almost time for the Seals of Loyalty and 1 x a year Silver Sash to be awarded. DC and Dark Summit, be sure to get your names into me asap.<p>
Congratulations: Awards: Tash on the DC and Impetus on the AK!
Congratulations: Promotions: Krav on SWL and Shad on DJM! Ashia on Epis! Rho on Battlemaster!
Congratulations: Work: Braecen on recruiting, Raken on finishing up his million plus tasks, Muz on finishing the graphics for the force powers, and Sharad for a very busy first week as CM.
Raken Quote of the Week:<p> [23:58] <raken> shit, the flashy spots always bring out everyone's resumes but when you need a tribune or something it's like a ghost town
<p>Real Life</p>
Wow, settle down Extremist dudes: Okay, I took the last few days off from mIRC because my real life exploded in activity. Literally. Baghdad decided to go insane, but it is back to normal today (just one attack in West B-Dad today). <p> I am flying back to the United States in about a week or so and will be home for roughly a month (CoFo is also going on R and R this week). I do not expect any down time during this period because my wife knows I am an internet junkie and has given me a set block of time. Yay for Mrs. Sarin. </p><p>
-> <p>Final Thoughts</p> <-
Thats it from the GM: Have a great week everyone! Grab me on mIRC or email if you need me.
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Congratulations to all, but especially Impie! We'd be lost without you!
Congratulations on DJM Shad!
Likewise, congrats on your AK, Impetus!
Congratulations guys!
Grats Imp, Shadow, Krav, everyone!
Shadow Taldrya. Without the "N." Silly goose!
Congrats Imp, Shad, and everyone else!
350 approvals and how many "DENIED!"'s? ;)
In all seriousness congrats to all :)
Hahah, April Fools! :)
That's what I'm waiting to hear :P
ROFL... I dont think we do April Fool's anymore, not since before the split with "He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named". All before my time. :P
"be sure to get your names into me asap."
Congratulations guys, well deserved.