AED Report Extraordinaire
Sitting alone in his office on board the _Bastilla_, going over daily paperwork, Jedi Hunter Alaris Jinn was signalled by his secretary that there was an incoming message from Kapsina. The Twi'lek took a deep breath and activated the COMM. An image of his Master, Proconsul Ky Terrak, appeared on the screen. "Su cuy'gar," the Prelate spoke to his Student in the standard Mando greeting which literally means, "You're still alive." Alaris grinned back.
"What can I do for you, Master?" The Aedile asked.
"You don't have to call me, Master, anymore." Terrak replied knowingly, and suddenly Alaris grew very uncharacteristically ecstatic.
Brothers and Sisters of Satal Keto
"What's that sound," you're probably asking yourself. Well, it's my promotion party, and you're all invited! The good news came in this morning. What does this mean for you? A new comp! Congratulate me in the funniest most original way you can.
"What else is going on," you ask next. We're still talking about the Military Rank System for Clan Plagueis. E-mail your CON with your choice of Miliaty Branch: Navy, Army, Intel, or Starfighter Corps.
Lots of Awards this week!
Strats Grimm received TWO Crescants /w Topaz Stars
te me nekaka received a Crescant /w Quartz Star
Seraph Wartooth received a Crescant /w Emerald Star
Ziij Ru'Zu received a Crescent /w Sapphire Star and a Crescent /w Emerald StarCallus Bo'Amar received a Crescant /w Sapphire Star
Congratulations everyone!
**Vivackus Kavon** won a battle against **Tirano Yamayura** from the hated Clan Taldryan. Although Vivackus ended the battle victorious, he was felled by his opponent as well. Congratulations Vivackus.
Only the one comp from me this week: [Congratulate Your Aedile](http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=Queue_Comp.StartDate%20DESC,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3477). E-mail your submissions to me at alarisjinn@hotmail.com
Shadow Academy
**Alex d'Tana** completed the **Chamber of Justice** Course
Once again, we've found ourselves with a great week of activity and winning. Let's see some stuff out of the Shadow Academy from you guys. Remember that SA Courses can get you promotions (hint hint). Also, I'd like to open a challenge to anyone who wants to take me on in the ACC. I have a lightsaber now and I want to use it, so bring it.
Darkness Guide You,
DJK Alaris Jinn (Obelisk)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis
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