Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

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The Battle team was assembled before Korvyn, each sitting at their spot at the table. Tashlan had just finished his briefing on the event that had happened during Korvyn absence due to his Saber creation. The young executive officer was doing a great job and Korvyn knew it wouldn't be long until he was taking leave for his own crystal hunt. Standing up Korvyn began addressing his team.

"We have trained hard. Now is the time to prove we belong among the best of this clan. To long has the brigade sat idle, a lifeless corpse. I have faith that we will bring glory to this team and above all else to House Dorimad Sol! For the Victory"

-=| News |=-

Independence games start this weekend. Rumored is the 12th but I’m not entirely sure that is true. Either way lets hit them hard and fast. Please remember to cc me on your submissions so that i know what is getting done and can record it. Let’s bring a victory home for the Clan, the House and ourselves.

Another thing I would like to address.

If you submit for comps please include original work only. There is a difference between editing and using elements from a screenshot and just googling images and submitting them. Fiction works the same way. While plagiarism is a difficult thing to define, we want <span class="style1">Excellence in all we do</span>.

[-0-] Comps [-0-]

None this month due to the IG's hopefully starting soon. Look for some starting right after the IG's.

[-0-] Activity [-0-]

The activity tracker will be back when the IG's start. I've decided for now to just use it in reports during the bigger feuds and vendettas.

Remember to join us on IRC all kinds of fun things happen so you’re only hurting yourself if you don't.

[-0-] Links [-0-]

Banshee Brigade Wiki: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Banshee_Brigade

DJB Server list: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Gaming_Servers

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