Members of the Dark Brotherhood,<p>
On this date five years ago, Seven brave individuals stood up to tyranny. Led by Grand Master Firefox, the Dark Brotherhood cast off the yoke of Imperial oppression and declared Independence. Today, we honor and celebrate secession from the Emperor's Hammer, those who made it possible, and those who continue to make the Dark Brotherhood a great organization.<p>
The motivation for the Exodus is often boiled down to the tyranny of one man, but we must also remember that it was a corrupt system that we left behind. The Seven made a conscious decision to value the rights of all members, not just the so called ruling elite. Gone are the days where we must fear that a voice of dissent will be expelled. Our members now have a living Covenant designed to protect their rights, not the Imperial Code of Justice designed to diminish them.<p>
Our decision to leave the Emperor's Hammer has been proven time and time again over the past five years. Our rolls remain strong and our members continue to develop innovative ways recruit and maintain new membership. The Facebook recruitment drive of this past year brought hundreds of new people to the Dark Brotherhood and our website continues to pull in 20,000 or more hits each month.<p>
Today is also a day where we honor the second recipient of the Silver Sash under its new description. Last year the Silver Sash was made into an award that would be granted one time a year on the celebration of the Exodus. This award is now given to the member who has shown the highest level of dedication to the improvement of the Dark Brotherhood over a one year period of time. This year's award goes to none other than the Deputy Grand Master, Muz Keibatsu Sadow. Muz's dedication, effort, and loyalty to the Dark Brotherhood has been without peer over the past year. Every major project the Dark Brotherhood has had this year has had the touch of Muz Keibatsu upon it. <p>
I also want to note that Muz's selection as the recipient of the Silver Sash this year was based on an overwhelming response from members of the Dark Brotherhood. I polled the Dark Council and multiple members of the DB and Muz received the recommendation 95% of the time. This response is truly amazing and it shows the true level of respect that our members have for the DGM. Congrats Muz!<p>
Finally, the Exodus is going to be celebrated in style with a new edition of the Independence Games. Launching tomorrow, the Member Run Independence Games will be a fun DB wide competition for everyone to participate in. This competition does not have any dire risks or consequences like the GJWs, but it may have some very nice rewards for those who excel. <p>
Independence Games: The IGs will be launched tomorrow. As I mentioned above, this competition has been put together by several members and a few of the Consuls. Everyone should go for max participation in this event to honor our Independence from the Imperial Remnant. <p>
Force Powers: Beta Testing has begun on the new Force Powers and Character Sheets. Grand Master Cotelin has once again gone above and beyond the call of duty and created an outstanding addition to the DB website. We are currently going through the new Character sheets and testing them for bugs. Look for an open invitation to the Beta here in the next couple of days to help us identify any errors with the coding. Oh yeah, Force Powers xls linked. <p>
Silver Sash: Muz Keibatsu Sadow: Be sure to congratulate Muz on his new Silver Sash!
Seals of Loyalty: The Deputy Grand Master will be announcing the recipients of the Seals of Loyalty shortly. Stay tuned.<p>
Call of Duty: To follow up on the Call of Duty thread on the news page. If you want to get a few games in, contact the GM!<p>
Congratulations: Awards: Muz on his SS, Dock Alfar on his DC, Quejo on his DC, Dante on the AC, Korv on the AC, Robin Hawk on the SC, Ace on the DC, Vardar on the DC, Tirano on the DC, Hel-Pa on the DC, Jades on the DC, and Kalak on the AC!
Congratulations: Promotions: Three Knights: Talos, Evant, Alaris!!!
Congratulations: Work: Everyone who worked on the IGs.
Raken Quote of the Week:<p> [16:17] ->> Topic is: Sarin state-side; local DVD & Video Game sales skyrocket; and now, page 2...
[16:17] ->> Topic set by Raken on 4/11/2008 9:08:03 PM
<p>Real Life</p>
-> <-
Smoking is bad for your health: Alright, I threw a photo up because I did not want you guys to start wondering if I was actually in Iraq. Dig the aesthetic c-wire behind me.<p>
I am back in the states right now enjoying time with the family, watching movies, playing WoW with only 70 latency, playing Xbox live (I will eat your face off in CoD 4), and screwing around with you DB guys. I will be in the states for about two more weeks and then back to home sweet Iraq. bleh. :p <p>
<p>Final Thoughts</p>
Thats it from the GM: Have a great week everyone! Grab me on mIRC or email if you need me.
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WoW is for losers.
I will destroy you in CoD4 :P
Go Muz!
Congrats Muz!
Congrats Muz on the SS!
Grats Muzzles!
You might want to edit the 2nd "Clan Power" tab on the excel spreadsheet with "REDO THIS CRAP AT A LATER DATE" on it.
Grats Muz and everyone in Taldryan!
Congrats Muz!
Also, I sent you a friend request on XBL Sarin, so prepare to be destroyed in CoD4.
Gah, you need to visit me at Rusti. Our wire is just a chain-linked fence with a small T-wall in front. Except on my gate, no T-walls at all.