Aedile Report


Aedile Report

HLK Aedile Report


Hello Peoples. Let me introduce myself to those of you who don’t know me. I’m Warlord Macron Sadow, Sith alchemist and warrior. I’m also completely nuts in character. If I can ever help you, just ask. My writing skills aren’t too shabby, so any House or Clanmates that need some help in that respect are welcome to ask and I’ll be glad to help.

I’ll start with an excerpt from a fiction I did waaay back when I was a Jedi Hunter for Muz’s “Shadow Ops” competition:

Dossier 256-VXM2

Subject: Vax Morewind, Thal Orlin

Date: current+

Operative: Flight Leader JH Macron Goura

Current Mission: Eliminate Thal Orlin

0h10 < Travel to Sepros via Silooth Assault gunboat. Took Sith security droid as


2h45 < Docked in Brackton, under assumed name/identity. Disguise: petty criminal. >

5h19 < Located Thal Orlin, in gambling casino as security. Query: is casino front for criminals on Sepros? >

6h31 < Engaged in Sabacc game. Cheated vigorously, with the result of confrontation with Orlin. Subject appears to be engaged in moneymaking activity, presumably for funding to continue hunt for Dark Jedi. >

6h47 < confronted Orlin. Transcript follows, Orlin speaking first:>

“ Alright you cheating bastard, come with me.”

“Your master sucks flaming infected c@cks in hell now, Jedi scum. Eat me.”

“Wha-a-t? “ * ignites yellow lightsaber *

“ Attack, SC4-2A! “ * draws blaster *

  • shots fired, from both sides of jedi *

“I kill you, darksider… gahh! Urrgk…. ack“

“ Hold him down, SC4-2A. Got those pliers and scalpel handy?

“Guuhhk arrrrr hurk…. Uhhhhhhhhh. ”

“Fool.” >

7h05 < Made strategic retreat with alacrity from casino. Acquired subject’s lightsaber, datapad and tongue. Subject is dead. Datapad information indicates subject was engaged in reconnaissance of Clan Naga Sadow activities for criminal interests on Sepros. >

Ah, the good 'ole days. Makes one sentimental. In any case, here’s a heads up. Right now, Faeril and I are brainstorming some idea for my favorite House. We are going to implement something like the Disciples of Ragnos program, except tailored for you folks in HLK. Copying, you say? Not exactly. We intend to poll everyone and make it something unique. It’s a good idea Ashura and Faeril had, and I’ve wondered why we don’t have something like it in our House.

Otherwise, get out there and do those IG’s. The Independence games are one of my more favorite large-scale competitions as far as the Brotherhood goes. You get to compete against and with people from other clubs, which is always interesting. Plus, there’s only been one other Independence Games before this, so Seals from the Games are hard to come by on your dossier.

Either way, look to hear more from me as Faeril and I get settled in. My door is always open.

Cheers, Mac

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