Wiki Tribune Report


Wiki Tribune Report


Welcome to another report from your friendly neighborhood Wiki Tribune. In today's report we will look at upcoming Wiki Expectations, Wiki Reminders, and of course Plans.

Wiki Expectations

What do we expect of the Wiki? Well, we want it to be informative, available, and most importantly useful. To accomplish this we all need to chip in from time to time. The Wiki staff has it's hands full with members who just try to breeze their way through the Wiki, many not knowing what they are doing.

To help with this, we will from time to time leave a Message on your Discussion page/tab. Please take the time to read these, and if necessary leave comments back (remembering to sign it correctly. To sign all you have to do is type --~~~~ or hit the signature button.

Also, a handy thing to check on is the link Recent Changes. This shows what activity has taken place, we aren't as busy as Wikipedia or Wookiepedia, so it's not hard to look it over - the Wiki staff does it daily. You might notice some people make numerous saves on the same page within a close amount of time. These people are referred to as Show Preview Button Abusers. For abusing the SPB you will generally receive a warning, if you've already been given a warning you'll get a 1 day ban. If you continue to abuse it, you will be talked to personally about having your usage.

Wiki Reminders

#1 - Use the Show Preview button - its not there just for looks.

#2 - When uploading Images, remember to add { {fairuse}} and the category. For character images, it's [[Category:Images-Characters]]

#3 - Make sure you do not exceed Star Wars set parameters. If Mandalorian iron is rare and only able to be crafted by Mandalorians, you should stay away from it.

#4 - Likewise, you don't have to list every single weapon you've ever owned. Most Dark Jedi carry at the max two weapons because they are familiar with them. There is no need to list all weapons you might use in a story - because I'm sure you forgot that toothpick you used to poke out a guy's eyeball with.

#5 - If you're going to change your name every week - let the Wiki staff know so they can delete those double, triple and quadruple redirects that are no longer needed. And on that thought - your character article name should be the same as on the DB Domain database, don't change it until it changes there first.


We plan on awarding people now for Wiki contributions. How? Well we intend to start handing out the DSS since you cannot get them for the non-existent DV any longer. A proposal has been sent and laid before the GM and DGM - awaiting approval. More details upon said approval.

We plan on having more Featured Articles, more Quotes of the Day, and more fun things to do on the Wiki - but we need your support and help. Quotes are hard to come by for some odd reason, so send them to me and if it's good enough we'll post it. Keep working on your articles, one day they will be Featured Article worthy.

We also plan on revising the Wiki course at the SA, eventually releasing a second more advanced course in editing. Stay tuned for that.

As always we want to thank you for your continued support and interest in the DJBWiki.

The Wiki Tribune

You might also note that our Top Ten Most Wanted Articles only lists 6. This is because we have trimmed down the unnecessary red links. If you want to link an article that does not exist, please make it first - then link it.

The 6 we have listed are notable people or events and have thus been spared the Red Link Purge.

Also, due to lack of Quotes I will begin a series of personal quotes/comments as to Wiki dos and donts

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