Adherents of Plagueis,
The Independence Games took me away from my reporting duties for a short period of time. Apparently, I underestimated just how much work it takes to setup and Administer an event that large. All part of the lesson learned; I will just be that much more ready when the next opportunity presents itself. And there will be another opportunity to apply the lessons learned. But we all only get one shot at the 2008 Independence Games... so lets talk about it.
2008 Independence Games
Link: http://independencegames.stormraven.org/independencegames/IG08/index.html
The Independence Games (IGs) were created as a celebratory event meant to honor the date, and people, whom inspired our exodus from the oppressive reign of the Emperor's Hammer. With this Exodus came a great amount of liberties that we had not previously experienced... and complete autonomy from other clubs and their politics. We became our own entity.
Each year we present Seals of Loyalty on the date of the Exodus to honor the individuals whom have served the Brotherhood best; continuing the legacy that drives our club forward. In addition, we host the IGs as a way to inspire everyone to reflect on our history and the progress we have made. As well as get some very cool shineys and earn some cool stuff for the Clan!
For each valid submission you submit to the IGs, you will receive a Seal. If you observe my dossier (4520), you will see a number of Seals for various events: 2005 Independence Games, Rite of Supremacy: Second Darkness, Great Jedi Wars, etc. These are meant to be a token to remember the event and a sign to all that you are a legitimate force in the Brotherhood and your Clan. They (Seals) will also play an extremely large factor in future promotions and awards.
The more you collect, the better the payout shall be. Additionally, should you place in an event... you will have an opportunity to receive an Crescent. AND... points for the Clan. The more submissions we have means more points... the more times we place means more points... so get out there and serve your fellow members!
"But Braecen, I am not here for the medals, honor, merit ranks or glory... I am just here for fun." Awesome. I encourage everyone - except my leadership team - to be at ease with their place in the Brotherhood. Being a contributor is a key role of every Clan too... often the most overlooked, as well. However... there is always a catch isn't there?
However, you are accountable to your fellow Plagueans. By joining the community that we have established, you have become a cog in it. That means that even if it pains you to participate to help yourself out... do it for the man or woman at your side. Just like I have a responsibility to serve the members of Clan Plagueis to the maximum of my ability... you have the task of assisting your fellow members.
In short... go participate for your Clan and your fellow members!
Clan News
In case you missed the memo, we are giving out massive honor/merit points to apply to your Plagueis Military Rank. At the end of the event, for each Seal you collect... we will be giving, I believe, ten merit points. That means that you can jump anywhere from one to four ranks (depending where you are). Why is this important? Because it will become a major part of our identity and the future/progression of our Clan. This is also going to be beneficial to those of you whom want to develop other aspects of Role-Playing in the Clan, as well.
Obligation Campaign. This is something new... created it just now... and I am sure my leadership team will hate me for it. :-p Your leaders - BTLs, AEDs, QUAs, RM, PCON & CON - are accountable to... well, yes we report to Sarin... BUT... we are also accountable to you, as well. So, during the duration of the IGs, if we fail to give you the necessary information to participate... let me know. But this works both ways... you have to read our reports... and we have to write them. Additionally, we also need to respond to e-mails ASAP.
So when you see one of us failing to report, respond to e-mails or make an impact on our given unit... contact me. That is why I have an open-door policy. So you can approach me and talk to me about your concerns. I will never shrug you off or disregard a concerned member. What you suggest could, very well, turn our Clan into the First Clan.
I know... no Dark Brotherhood News or Message in this report. I broke the mold. Just like we - as a Clan - need to break out from the labels we have let others apply to us. We are not the Sixth Clan in the Brotherhood. We are not the bastard child of the Brotherhood. We are Clan Plagueis and now... today... we begin to show everyone what we are capable of. But that means each and every one of us must strive for excellence in all that we do.
And we start by participating in the Independence Games.
I am, your servant,
Braecen Kaeth
Consul of Clan Plagueis
Safeguarder of Sheep
Braecen Kaeth (Krath Pontifex) / CON-EP / Clan Plagueis
[GMRG: RG3-G] [KSoE:FE] [ACC: CE:3]
RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-BL / Cr-3D-12R-24A-32S-15E-11T-6Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-PL / SI-AuL / SoF-AgL / SoL-BE / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk-9P
You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...
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