Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


<marquee bgcolor="#0000FF" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">~~~ Quaestor Report #17 ~~~ 30th April 2008 ~~~ Watch this space... keep watching... you dont want to miss it now, something VERY important for you to know.... do you know what that is? No... well... I shall tell you.................................................SUCKERS!!! :P ~~~</marquee>

Dark Greetings House Marka Ragnos,

Report time, yay. It has been another active week for alot of our members, all I can say it keep up the excellent work! :D


Independence Games 2008

The IG's are still ongoing (and will be till the 14th May) so get in as many entries as you can. Click here to go to see which events are running!

House Champion

Jedi Hunter Zaroth Kalikrayye is April's House Champion and Dark Librarian (May 2008). He has worked very hard to get where he is today. Well done, Zaroth!

Quaestor Real Life

I've been worked on Alector's wikipage recently and it's all starting to come together. The character is the natural progressive character evolution of Ashura; meaning all the character development I have done on my current character has led to the point where replacing Ashura with his son is the next logical step to make.

I'm still a while off from completing my new character as fictionally he has only just become a Sith Warrior; I have the whole DJB canon to work with here in creating an in-depth and interesting history. I'm hoping the finished product will be a deeply fansinating character rooted in the very essence of the dark side of the Force. Keep watching and find out. ;)


Master Level:

Lord Paladin Avatar of the Dark Doctrine

Lord Muz Keibatsu Sadow Avatar of the Dark Doctrine

Third Level of Ascension:

Faeril Munlear Cleric and former Hand of Ragnos

Second Level of Ascension:

Nekura Manji Keibatsu Zealot/Advocate/Custodian

Raistlin Sadow Zealot/Advocate/Custodian

Janos Silverwulf Zealot/Advocate/Custodian

Zaxen Dauketrenal Zealot/Advocate/Custodian

Zaroth Kalikrayye Zealot/Advocate/Custodian

First Level of Ascension:

Raven Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Tyren Atema Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Vladek Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Devani Kiriana Maharet Dremora Caste [confirmed]

Shuang Long Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Nero Pennant Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Teu Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Tritherus Dremora/Defender/Keeper

Vizier Level:

Morrigan Ryukossei Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Scuslem Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Ekeia Iclo Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Storm Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Telos Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

VanWyck Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Kyrath Amaranthi Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Kraytirous Shalluat Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Jalor klenstan Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Arfalax Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Nassin Zye Vizier of the Dark Doctrine

Mordaki Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Rusty Goldbear Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Kantar Sinas Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Zeliek Rivendare Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

bass.ex Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

darkvain Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Azora Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

khaligh napoleon Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Mortis DeferoDisciple of the Dark Doctrine

dark jedi hitarro Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Rinati Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Kathasios Kaijar Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Tester300 Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

Fenris Altair Disciple of the Dark Doctrine

If you have not yet confirmed with me which caste you wish to pick then please do so. For more information on the castes and levels please click here.


his Holiness,

Dark Patriarch Megos XXI of Onderon


Unpaired Students

These Journeymen are currently not pairedÂ… Now is a chance for all Dark Jedi Knights and above to take on the role a Master and tutor one (or two) of these hopefuls to Knighthood.

Protector Kyrath Amaranthi [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kraytirous Shalluat [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Nassin Zye [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Rusty Goldbear [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]


UPATED: 4/24/2008 - 4/30/2008


Nassin Zye joins us from the Shadow Academy



Shadow Academy

Dark Brotherhood Basics:

  • Nassin Zye (4/26/08)

Force Philosophy:

  • Nassin Zye (4/27/08)

Krath Grammar Studies:

  • Nassin Zye (4/27/08)

IRC Basics:

  • Nassin Zye (4/29/08)

Nassin Zye has passed the Training Saber Course. (4/29/08)


Nassin Zye has been promoted through the ranks from Apprentice to Protector! Very good work!

Rusty Goldbear been promoted from Acolyte to Protector. (4/29/08)


As always here are also the usually links for you know and use to grow better accustomed to life on the other side of the fence as a Special Ops Commander:


Alabrek Castle


D-SOG Troopers

Dlarit Corporation

D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster

<marquee bgcolor="#0000FF" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">Epsilon Strike Force currently on leave; Delta Strike Force currently assigned Epsilon duties and Zeta Strike Force assigned Detla duties. Detla and Zeta Marshal Commanders report to Lt. Governor Anderson for briefing. That is all.</marquee>



<li type="disc">Marshal Commander Paladin

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Ashura Megos Isradia

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Tyren Atema

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Devani Kiriana Maharet

</li><li type="disc">Commander Jades "Imperial" Atema LoA

</li><li type="disc">Commander Alexander Anderson

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Vorion

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Zaxen Dauketrenal

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Zaroth Kalikrayye

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Teu

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander VanWyck

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Jalor klenstan

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Kantar Sinas

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander darkvain

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Mortis Defero




<li type="disc">Marshal Commander Raistlin Sadow

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Nekura Manji Keibatsu

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Tsainetomo Keibatsu

</li><li type="disc">Commander Shuang Long LoA

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Scuslem

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Ekeia Iclo

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Storm

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Mordaki

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Kyrath Amaranthi

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Arfalax LoA

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Zeliek Rivendare

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Azora LoA

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Hitarro

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Kathasios Kaijar

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Tester300




<li type="disc">Marshal Commander Janos Silverwulf Sadow

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Raven

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Vladek

</li><li type="disc">Senior Commander Morrigan Ryukossei Jade LoA

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Telos

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Tritherus LoA

</li><li type="disc">Lieutenant Commander Nero Pennant LoA

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Sakura Haruno

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Kraytirous Shalluat

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Nassin Zye

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Robert Goldbear

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander bass.ex

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Khaligh Napoleon

</li><li type="disc">Subcommander Rinati



All in all, another great week for our members. As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura on IRC.

For the glory of Sadow, and House Marka Ragnos

Sith Battlemaster Ashura Isradia

Knight First Class

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Governor of Tarthos

ISDII Harbinger Commissar

D-SOG Senior Commander

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