Greetings all,
In one of the final stages in our efforts to bring the Brotherhood under less restrictions in orders, it has been determined that Operation: Pure Blood, the banning of clones in the brotherhood, should come to fruition.
The Dark Council and Consuls have discussed this at length and have found that clones don't contribute positively to the brotherhood. In a place where orders can participate in other order events, it does not make sense for any person to be splitting their time amonst 2 or 3 clones.
We aren't going to have you lose your hard work, so we have come up with the following guidelines for clone compensation.
1) All clones must be reported to your QUA, CON, the EMS, FF and Myself by Friday December 5th to be eligible for compensation.
2) Medals and SA courses passed will be added to the member's main dossier before the clone is deleted.
3) Responsibility for compensating clone rank lies with the QUA/CON, under the following two guidelines:
- No medals higher than GC may be given to compensate for a clone.
- No rank promotion to or beyond DJK can be justified just via the dissolved clone.
4) Clones reported voluntarily after the two weeks (members who didn't know or care in time) are just destroyed. No compensation is awarded.
5) Owners of illegal clones discovered by others are left to the mercy or lack thereof of Yacks. Punishments will be given on a case-by-case basis and can range from deletion of the clone without compensation to demotion to a ban from the DB for the main member for a specified amount of time.
We feel that this will balance out the brotherhood'snumbers and help to concentrate activity in certain houses. Remember -- there are no limitations on who can participate in what.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
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Yay, clones dead!!
I see this as only hurting the Sith order. :\
About time, was about to do a MB post about it... Just a few things...
The KMT is for KRATH only, as per your orders, so Lannie said. I suppose that's now irrelevant?
2 weeks isn't enough time because some of our members are still on military duty, prolonged leave etc. Some won't be back before February and this is very unfair to them.
You will need a way to figure out what is a clone and what not because I have already talked to those not wanting to give up clones. ??? I doubt that will arrive :-P
-Exceptions can be made for people who are on leave, but for everyone else, 2 weeks is plenty of time to send off one email.
-Clones will turn up on their own. They always do. And if people want to toy with the CoJ, that's fine by me.
Rather irrelevant, but still...
Since when is the KMT Krath only?
I've participated in a handful of those, won an award or two from them, and certainly consider them one of the only truly competitive fictional events in the Brotherhood.
I see no reason to limit them... that would be the same as saying the Krath Combat Center should have remained Krath only...
Just my two pence.
Arania, we have discussed this issue over and over for many weeks before agree on this solution and it's the ONLY way to handle it.
Now, as Jac clearly state anyone if free to keep their clone BUT must also be ready to deal with Yacko, and that's something I'm going to suggest to anyone.
As Mage said, the KMT it ISN'T for Krath only unless the KHP and the upper chain of the DC changed their mind in the last few days, but I dubt so.
Now every member can partecipate in every competition and it's no longer restricted to his order's, that now works mostly for a GENERAL range of activities and for a fictional reason that will be explained more deeply the more dettails we'll be able to announce in the next couple of months.
Beside, if you, or anyone else, don't like it yeah, you can mail Jac and talk with him but we know that he won't change his mind on this issue as we all (DC and CONs) belive is NEEDED.
I agree with keeping the November KMT Krath only. It was announced as such and thus should be finished that way.
But future KMTs should be open to all orders as those who are primarily Obelisk and now have to surrender their Krath clone would have no more way of taking part - and making activity impossible (or doing anything that makes people want to hide and retain a secret clone) is against all of our interests.
Lannie got that orders from Jac, which annoyed a few people, and as we now see it still stands, which goes against the "everyone can do everything" rule, meaning people would still have a reason to keep clones. I guess I'm lucky my primary is Krath then.
Jac, you are pretty inconsistant. It is either-or, not cancelling clones and still make comps unavailable. Contraproductive, too.
Whatever -- fine.
KMT Open to all. yippie.
I'm done reading these comments -- if you have anything else to say about my "consistency" -- email me.
I have no idea where this "KMT is Krath Only" came from, but I don't think it matters. It was obviously some kind of misconception on someones part, as I've heard the opposite of that said numerous times by a ton of people, including Jac and Alanna. Thats not to say that something didn't occur between Jac and Alanna that caused this "KMT for Krath Only" issue, but its resolved now.
As for Clones... If members of the DJB wish to "hold onto" clones for any reason, they'll evantually be figured out. And why risk that? Theres no point in it... Just ditch the clone. No one is preventing you from having other role-playing persona's, but we want accurate roster counts. :)
What constitutes a clone... hrm... my real name is Paul Rigden. If Paul Rigden is the brain behind more than ONE character in the DB, then those count as clones. It's really that simple :P
As for dealing with me... probably not a good idea at all, seeing as I am the one that came up with the two rank demotion... and if that's not good enough for you, if you try to hide from me, I'll make your lives consistently worse. Yes... worse... muahaha.
Anyways, obviously if someone is away on a tour of duty, I'm not gunna get them in trouble for having a clone, that's just moronic. When they get back, they'll find out, and then they'll have to get rid of them, thats all.
Also, Yacks <3 Jac
Yay! does his no more clone dance sort of like the Lord of the Flies Chant around the big fire.
Good job.
<3 Yax
Arania's correct - the KMTs were Krath only as of 04/08/03 (UK dd/mm/yy convention :P). I was almost certain I'd put it in one of my reports, but looking back through them now, I can't find it - maybe it was a news item? Hmm...
Anyways, very few non-Krath entered even before, and I certainly haven't spotted any since. Maybe one or two got through, but in reality it's mainly Krath who enter.
I guess that they'll have to be opened DB wide now, tho I can't say I'm happy about it. I'll be certain to put the official decision in my next report.
"I guess that they'll have to be opened DB wide now, tho I can't say I'm happy about it."
Whats not to be happy about? (On the other hand, I don't personally see any reason to be overjoyed) I really don't get why you're so opposed to the other orders participating. If the Obelisk or Sith barred the Krath from participating in their events, all hell would break loose from Krath demanding to be allowed to enter.
I'm not saying I'm going to enter, but for the benefit of those who would like to, exactly what the hell is wrong with it?
Is it because it creates more work for you? If thats the reason, you'd better re-examine why you VOLUNTEERED to become KHP. The way I see it, looking over a couple extra submissions shouldn't be that difficult.
Get over yourselves.
Alrighty, I think this has gone quite far enough. We've had people both insult the DGM and KHP without full knowledge of WHY they are insulting them. That will stop right now. Jive you especially made comments which were less than productive, and completely designed as a personal attack against Alanna. I expect an apology from you, but I also order that comments on this thread be stopped immediately. If you have any questions or concerns please email the DGM as he has already stated above.
Thank you and good day,
JST Keirdagh Cantor
I guess JK2 is obelisk-only then. Yeah, that's right, NO KRATHS ALLOWED :P
It's attitudes like that that make people think there is a need for clones in the first place, Khobai. I believe you should apologize to Alanna and I beg the forgiveness of the Justicar for posting on the comments section of this news post again.