OHC Announcements


OHC Announcements

Howdey folks...


the 1v1 ladder now stands 50 strong, with OW Sharad leading the way. I'm keeping all the scores on my machine at work, as my home PC is prone to crashing frequently :P So please don't bug me about updating the ladder, because I will do it, as soon as I get to work :P

The Deadline for submissions is the 27nd! But ZK will be taking over from the 23rd Cos I'm away from the 23rd to the 26th. Any submissions after the 22nd will not be counted because I'll be lying dead in a mosh pit somewhere at the reading music festival! :P


I'v been in discussions with people involved in a project called UT:EH, which is basically a full SW conversion for Unreal Tourney. I was going to implement this into the Obelisk until Chi pointed out that its not gonna be ready till way after JK2 is out :P So I'm going to be sticking with just UT and Q3, no conversions. Be ready to see this happening after the Vendetta!!!

Thatas all for now!

**_High Commander of the Obelisk

OWL Rizlib_**

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