Good evening, everyone.
It's been a while since I've sent out a report, which is rather unacceptable. Since it has been so long, I will list the things each member of the Battle Team has accomplished since my last report, as well as give a status on whether or not we're looking to remove a member. If you haven't been active, you're probably going to be removed. I am giving everyone three days from this report, and if it is mentioned on here that they are inactive, they need to contact me within those three days with their intentions, or be removed.
* Moved back into Arcano Signum
* Earned a Crescent with an Amethyst Star
* Earned a Crescent with a Topaz Star
* Inactive
* Earned a Crescent with a Sapphire Star
* Moved back into Arcano Signum
* Passed Conflict Mediation
* Faced DA Telona Murrage in the ACC
* Earned a Crescent with a Quartz Star
* Started Competition Adventures of Arcano Signum
* Started Competition Daring Dogfights
* Passed Test of Power
* Earned two Crescents with Emerald Stars
Now, if you want to get active, try out Deatharoc's competitions.
Also, word on the street is that Anshar is getting together something big, so gear up for it!
#9485, Tetrarch Dralin Hakh'khar, Shield of Gladius
"Monsters we are, lest monsters we become."
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