Report ID: CBO_04
Date: 5_21
OT Callus BoAmar
Callus sat with his head on his desk with a bit of drool running from his open mouth. The Independence games had finally ended and Callus was worn out. A loud and annoying beep resounded through his head. He stirred awake and he was reminded to do his weekly report. He grumbled something about no one ever reading it as he activated the holorecorder.
Greetings all from the Rollmaster. Another exciting week has gone by and when I say exciting I mean great! We saw 6 new members join us and 4 of those attain their first promotion and complete a plethora of Shadow Academy courses. Some 20 + courses were completed this week. So while I did have an absurd number of e-mails, and that was annoying. I didnt mind being annoyed, too much :P
Big news this week is its hard to choose so in no particular order heres the headlines for the week:
Unless you live under a rock you know that our PCON KY TERRAK stepped down cough quitter cough :P. He was given the honorary title of di Plagia and a spot on the council of the wise as a parting gift.
Also the IGs ended after a long run.
Sadly CIPHER, QUA of House Exar Kun, resigned due to life etc. She was given a seat on the Council of the wise for her hard work and dedication to the clan.
Our CON-Man BRAECEN was promoted to DA after 3 years of faithful service. He now joins the elder class with a well deserved promotion.
The last bit, and probably most newsworthy of news is that CALLUS is the MAN!
Another week without the council in session.
(official record as of 5/21/08)
DA Braecen Kaeth & PRT Maris Ring
OP Ky Terrak & JH Brema Sedul
KAP Cipher Isradia & GRD Kor Van'Til
SW Kaliidrad Vorrac & JH Vivackus Kavon
OT Callus Bo'Amar & JH Strats
OT Julius Ceasar & PRT Mixalius
SW Dismal Dupar & GRD Le'tum
KP Syphoc Rikel & GRD Ziij Ru
DJK Alaris Jinn & JH Raza Adas
KP Famosus Aspicio & PRT Ashron
Nothing on the MSP front. Though everyone should be looking for some developments in the future.
I know we all love numbers but none this week. Curb your appetite until June 4th.
-FAIL of the week-
Im giving out a new Award if you will called the Fail of the week. Somehow the word Fail became my catchphrase or slogan on IRC, dont ask me how to get a slogan and/or catchphrase because I have no clue, and I have decided to give it to the person who annoys me most throughout the week. The best way to annoy me is get a lot of e-mails sent to my Inbox from the Master At Arms (getting promoted) or the Headmaster (completing SA Exams) or being named Famosus :P. So the one who has annoyed me the most this week by completing SIX (6) SA courses is . (drum roll, envelope, etc.)
Congrats, this is something you should brag to your friends about!
Well I had some fun especially with my new award that I know youll all be scrambling to get in the coming weeks. As I say every week Im here if you need anything regardless of your rank, house, order etc. I know I sound like a broken record but Ill say this every week. If you'd like to request an apprentice all members the rank of DJK and above are eligible to take a student. If you are between the ranks of PRT and JH and would like a master please don't hesitate to ask.
Finally I would like to apologize for missing my reports lately and beg for your forgiveness and understanding. I lost my job (but I have a new one now). I was in the middle of exams (but theyre over and I actually passed) and was worn out (I slept for 14 hours Monday) but Im better now so yea no more missing reports for me!
Potential is what you could be, not what you are
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RM Reports, the coolest way to lose brain cells :D
Thanks for the read.
SWEET! I Fail!
I would like to thank the Academy for this award.......
Yes sir, you do fail and you fail hard. Congratulations!