Clan Notes
Random quote:
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
-Thomas Sowell (Yale Economist and Columnist)
Clan Competition Begins
I have released the first event of the new competition entitled To the Core. To the Core is part one of a trilogy of competitions that are all very strongly linked. Updates to the competition (fiction and events for each phase) will be posted on the message board on this topic:
Please also read the fictional news below for some details. Also, there will be lots of awards up for grabs. Each of the three competitions will have several events, each with crescents available. There will be overall winners for each competition who will get some higher crescents. Finally, Kaek has said that the overall story line winners can get merit awards (Dark Cross on up).
Welcome to Many New Members
This week has been particularly good for us as we’ve picked up several recruits. Some are brand new members and others are transfers from the Rogues. I would like to thank Odin in particular for e-mailing some people on the Rogue list and helping us get some more members. I’d like to publicly welcome all of them and hope that they will join in the upcoming activity. The new members are:
Balia Donos and Omega Sierra to Gladius
Danielg and Bowan to Cestus
Draco Black, Theron Mar, Zama, Adrianna Darkwing, Kitiaro Bloodbane, Quantis, Mentai Felon, and Janon Vek all went to Tridens
Dark Revan has ended up just on the clan roster somehow… but we’ll get him into a house ASAP.
Welcome to everyone!
Orin Cordus to Acolyte
Cypha to Acolyte
Clan History Update
I have expanded the clan history on the wiki page to get us up to the modern day. I anticipate that more details will be added, but we were behind until now.
Fictional News
The clan has undertaken its first mission outside of Yridian space since the fall of Antei. The clan will attempt to locate and infiltrate a top secret research facility deep in the galactic core. The clan will be taking the BAC Doomsday under the guise of a Republic warship with Imperial liaison officers on board under orders from Admiral Pallaeon. It is hoped that there will be some experimental technology that may be useful to the clan. The target planet also once housed the Imperial Inquisitorius, so there is no telling what other secrets we may find.
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