House Dinaari Quaestor Report #19 - May 31st, 2008
Greetings all,
<p>So ends the month of May. It was a productive month with the conclusion of the 2008 Independence Games and various activities within the House and Clan. Also of importance is the recognition of many Dinaari members for their activity over the past three months. Overall Tarax and I handed out eleven merit medals and numerous promotions. In addition to all that a shower of Crescents have been awarded so congratulations to all those who were honored for their hard work and dedication to the Clan. With the IGs now over we should see an increased frequency of awards (assuming you do the work of course). Keep up the great job so Tarax and I can keep looking good.
<p>The House Feud between Dinaari and Ektrosis should (hopefully) happen sometime this month. This is designed to be a friendly competition that will not only spur decent activity within the Clan but will also develop Taldryan's canon (story) after the last Vendetta where the Yuuzhan Vong invaded Antei. Primarily we will be developing our newly (in a sense) acquired system. I encourage everyone - especially Journeymen - to get involved in this unique opportunity!
<p>Overall there's not too much else happening around the Brotherhood. Raken developed and Sarin posted the DJB's fictional development which will happen more often since we won't be having a Vendetta for a while. The beta testing for the new character sheets should be starting soon as well. Be sure to read Chaos' latest Proconsul report for some news. Also depending on when you read this Dinaari Intern applications close at 7:59 PM (EST) on Saturday. Do with it what you may. Oh, get your last minute Taldryan Times submissions in to Duga and Halc as soon as possible.
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<p>House Dinaari and Clan Taldryan proudly recognize the following individuals on their recent honors ...
<p>Let's start off with the promotions. Please give major congratulations to Dannyri Panne for being promoted twice within this past week. First he was promoted to Novice and finally to the rank of Acolyte for showing good activity since joining the Clan. Keep up the great work! Also, Adrian Agrippa was promoted to the rank of Protector for consistent activity and dedication to the Clan. Well done!
<p>Next, we have a bucket-load of merit medals to announce. The following members were awarded a Dark Cross each for showing an admirable amount of activity over the past three months:
Adrian Agrippa
Debric Santhe d'Tana
<p>The following members were given an Anteian Cross each for showing an even greater amount of activity:
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
Benevolent Taldrya Whiner
Corax "Baron" Zarjin
Jerse Remid
<p>Finally, a Steel Cross was given to Havoc, Sidarace, and myself (Vlad) for showing outstanding activity and dedication. Oh, and Tarax got a huge Grand Cross of the Dark Side instead of his usual Dark Cross for being a fantastic Aedile for the past eight months.
<p>That's not all! Miscellaneous medals were given out for other activity. Clusters of Fire were given to Havoc (x5) and Batmanuel (x7) for gaming activity. Also, the following individuals earned Crescents for good competition participation:
Havoc (Sapphire, Topaz)
Debric (Emerald, Quartz)
Sidarace (Emerald, Topaz)
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<p>May is over and June will be begin. Get ready for the House Feud but be sure to check out both Tarax's Mad-Lib competition and my "Hunt the Jedi" competition. We're trying to change things up a bit - see what works and what doesn't - so we can tailor specific types of events that most people enjoy doing. Check out the competitions list for more details. Also be sure to check out the following link below (no, it's not an easter egg):
<p>To finish up I recommend getting on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) to talk with your fellow Taldryan members (and the rest of the DJB if you so choose). For our Journeymen there is a wealth of competitions going on right now so if you want to get ahead start participating! Your rank is determined solely by you. Have a great week!
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<p>DB-Wide Events
<li> Gaming Nights (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)
<li> Inter-Club Training Event (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)</li>
<p>Clan-Wide Events
<li> A New Hope: Tal Trivia (Ongoing; Ends on 12/31)
<li> Tal Times Issue #3 Submissions (Ends on 6/01)</li>
<p>House Dinaari Events
<li> Vlad's Easter Egg Hunt (Ongoing; Ends 7/31)
<li> Hunt the Jedi (Ends on 6/30)
<li> Dinaari Mad-Lib! (Ends on 6/30)
<li> Dominus Sicarius II (Ends on 6/30)
<p>For more detailed descriptions of the above competitions, please visit the competitions listing by clicking here.
</p><p /> -> ~ Important Links ~
Clan Taldryan | Clan Codex | Competitions Page | IRC Guide
Dark Jedi Brotherhood | Antei Combat Center | Shadow Academy
Message Boards | DJB Wikipedia | Dark Side Codex
<p /> -> For Taldryan,
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