Wiki Tribune Report


Wiki Tribune Report

The Wiki Competition - NPCs has ended. Unfortunately, we only had one submission. So that automatically makes GRD Nassin Zye of HMR of CNS as the winner. You can view his submission HERE.

Nassin Zye will still be awarded his 3rd level crescent - a Crescent with Amethyst Star.

Congratulations Nassin!

Ok, now on to the matter of new Wiki Staff members. After receiving a number of qualified applicants, I have decided to go with the following two members: SWL Robert Atema Daragon and KAP Impetus Korin-M'Nar Palpatine. Both are highly qualified for the job that lays ahead of them. Congratulations to you both and welcome to the team.

We have been making great advances with the Wiki as of late. I've started a new program called the "Article Improvement Drive!" which is targeted at making what appear incomplete or rather dull articles more appealing and interesting. Whether they are added to or not they will be rotated out after 2 weeks, then a new set will come in and replace them for 2 weeks, and so on and so forth.

We are currently at 1,952 articles - almost the 2k mark!

We have 594 users listed - though I've discovered that some of you have duplicate (if not triplicate) accounts. If this is the case please let us know so that they(the ones not being used) can be deleted.

One thing I would like all Users to do whenever they login - or after they've made edits, is to go to the Recent Changes page to see what they have done, see what others have done, and make sure that they aren't adding on an unnecessary load of work for the Wiki Staff.

Please keep in mind the Wiki Etiquette.

Also, be mindful of the Guidelines

As long as we keep these things in mind while working on the Wiki, we will achieve what needs to be done.

This shall be my last report as the Wiki Tribune. As of June 8th, the 8th month anniversary of my being given the assignment, I shall be stepping aside. I wish to focus my time and energy solely on Clan Naga Sadow now that I am serving on the Clan Summit once again. But fret not, I hereby name RevengeX Palpatine as my successor upon my resignation on June 8th, so we will not be without a Wiki Tribune. It has been a pleasure to serve you all as the Wiki Tribune, though there were headaches at times, though we had a few rough patches, we've made it through and for the better. I know my changes to the Wiki will no doubt be a footnote to what is to come, I know I have laid a foundation and footwork for the Wiki's future. RevengeX is highly qualified, he has been a member of the Staff for as long as I and knows the ins and outs just as well. He isn't a pushover either, so don't think you'll be able to get away with anything. I'll be remaining on the Wiki Staff for awhile, helping where I can, so I won't be gone entirely from the project, but I will not be as prominent in watching everything.

Might as well end with my catchphrase, "Thank you for supporting the Wiki project."

I hope you're joking. :P

Congrats, Imp and Bob, and thank you for doing such a magnificent job with the Wiki, Tron!

Grats all. But how will Rev play me in JO if he's too busy with his Wikiness?

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