



I forgot a coupla things for the Dark Voice. Since this is my fault, I'll extend the deadline until next Friday. This means the DV will be a few days late.

Released on the 6th, instead of the 1st of December

Things I need:

1) Editorials: Topic for this month: What is it that keeps you interested in the Brotherhood? Why do you stick around?

2) Jokes and cocktail recipies

3) Questions for Dr. Trev. He'll help you through life, love, world domination, and swatting down annoying farmboys.

4) More Submissions! Fiction, Poetry, Graphics, anything! Please include an ID line in each submission, so I can easily credit you.

Send everything to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

DSS Awarding: To decrease the DSS inflation, and to encourage more submissions, I'll be following this policy:

1-4 submissions, DSS
2-10 submissions, DSSx2
11-20 submissions, DSSx3
21+ submissions, DSSx4

I'm extremely apologetic for the inconvenience.

In darkness,

DA Trevarus Caerick
Oracle of the Brotherhood

2-10? Are you completely sure that you did not mean 5? :p

alright thought i would help you out so im sending in 4 submissions :D good luck

Maybe there should be a rule as to what is a "standard submission" - a 30 page epic story is a bit more work than 12 JO screenshots taken during ICTE... ;-)

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