Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hey all.. this is your friendly neighbourhood Quaestor. I know I've been slacking in keep you informed with my oh so exciting reports, but here I am with one... happy happy, joy joy.

As you may all know by now, the Selen RO is STILL RUNNING. It's proving to be quite a ride and I hope that those of you here in Galeres who haven't had a chance to post in it yet, that you would consider doing so. Take ownership of this House and contribute to the shaping of the history and fiction. Wouldn't you like to be integrated into the life of the House and have an integral part of shaping it? The Vong trash still have control of our Clan's System and we are still homeless and are forced live in makeshift arrangements. Let's all get in there and contribute to how we feel about this and have a hand in getting Dajorra back! ...what's left of it anyway.

If you haven't had the chance to read it you will need to follow this link: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5252

Also, as most of you, if not all of you have realized by now, we have JH Vorion on board with us as AED of Galeres. He is already proving to be a tremendous asset to both our House and our Clan. So, I hope that if any of you have any reservations about this transition, you will be able to let go of those reservations and see the huge benefit he is bringing to Galeres and to its members.


Aedile Vorion is running a great competition for 3rd level crescents. This is another opportunity to contribute to the fictional development of the house. Take the time to read this and send in an entry. We can't wait to see what you come up with! Below:

"Vorion has started what will be a 3-part fiction Comp to flesh out the character backgrounds of popular NPCs. If you saw it while it was running, it's very similar to the Wiki Tribune's Comp, but exclusively for Arcona NPCs. And best of all it's 3rd level Crescents up for grabs! So hurry and get those entries to him - the first phase runs for only two weeks;



Below is included a link to the Wiki article for Commodore Sulaco as an example;


Use your imagination and above all have fun!"


Malidir is also now running a few competitions that are fun and easy and provide you with even more shinnies for your Medal case. Below you will find the information to each of his competitions:

Aquaman: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=



Myanmar vs Miramar: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=



People that like Wii's and/or Mario: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/CompetitionDetails.asp?page=1&order=



Please click on each link and play play play!

To see a more complete list of the competitions, Click HERE.


Also, keep your eyes pealed onto the future horizon as we work on developing some Galeres History and storyline.

So, I hope you enjoyed another typical Quaestor's report. Vorion and I will be alternating weeks with our reports, so you can expect to see his report in next time. Malidir will be dealing with the statistics in his Rollmaster's position.

In Arcona's Service,

SBM Rho d'Tana

Quaestor of House Galeres

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