Ancillary Training Facilities,
House Acclivis Draco Headquarters,
Heimdall Mountain Range, Li Gandor Continent,
Antenora, Cocytus System,
Dark Brotherhood Territories
The lithe figure stood her ground, the intense look of concentration on her face was doubly-reinforced by the drops of sweat streaming down her face. Her heavy breathing gave testament to the fierce workout she was enduring, and her ignited lightsabre gave further witness to the method of her exertions.
Suddenly, a young man who was himself similarly exerted, charged in with his red blade crashing down on her own red blade. They struggled for a few moments more, strike and counter strike, but it was clear that the female was quicker, able to dodge and counter faster than her opponent.
Finally, the young man tried to cleave her from top down, but he made a critical error. She expected the cleave, and barely rolled out of his way, using her momentum to crash the hilt of her lightsabre down on the back of his head, stunning the opponent and causing him to come crashing down to the floor.
She was about do decapitate her opponent, but just as her blade was about to lop off his head, a cerulean lightsabre blade intersected hers, blocking it neatly.
"This training session is complete. Well done, Asani, Lailoken. We'll cover lessons learned after the both of you get cleaned up."
The Protector from Ebon Cloak stood up, his free hand massaging the ever-increasing knot on his head while fiercely staring down the red-headed interloper from Caliburnus. She in turn offered an infuriating smile, but the elder Brotherhood member with the blue-bladed lightsabre knew through the Force that her emotions betrayed her front, as she realized that it could have easily been her that had a knot on her head.
Watching his Student and his House-mate depart, he deactivated his lightsabre, glad that the long training session was over. He was glad that neither gave an inch to their opponent, and he knew that these training runs would be critical when they resumed their war. The Grand Master had made that exceedingly clear, and he was executing that mission.
A beep interrupted his musings and misgivings. A simple, one-line message appeared on the screen of his datapad by his boss and friend, RevengeX Palpatine. "Report, bitch!"
Timbal sighed and activated his commlink....
Welcome back to my second report, I hope the quick fiction flow pleases you as A) It was fun to write a quick blurb and B) I hope to have all of my reports feature a member of the House to "showcase" them. No, this one is actually showcasing Asani, Lailoken will get a chance to kick some behind himself in a future report. ;)
Things to Cover (House Stuffs):
AWOL check over! Tra'an has completed his AWOL check, and as a result we're about as lean as I've seen the House roster in quite some time. However, that's not a bad thing because I know everyone on that list can be counted on to provide activity, which equals to shineys for you all. Also, this means that we'll get priority for some fresh blood to come in, which is always a good thing. =)
Speaking of fresh blood, we have Apprentice Hellhone in da House, welcome once again! I'm sure you'll do great.
Fictional Stuffs: I recently ran into a slight lack of wiki-ness, so I'm going to be slightly updating the entry on Antenora to reflect a bit more of information, as well as to clarify things up a bit.
Upcoming comp: I'm running a quick competition pretty soon, details to follow once they're worked out. =)
Random Other Things:
Real Life Stuff:
In my reports, I've always loved to put in a tiny section as to what I'm doing in RL, mainly because other people find it interesting to see how I live. Ok, that's a completely bald-faced lie, but never you mind. ;)
Work: We've been ordered to move from one building to another, and the move takes place this coming Wednesday, the 11th, so I plan on not getting any work done from now and then. Fair warning to my bosses. ;)
Speculative Work: Complicating matters, I've got a phone job interview set for Wednesday morning, the same day as the move, so I'll probably have to disappear for a few while I'm taking care of that. I really hope this one goes through, it's by far closer to home, and it should be about the same pay. Here's to hoping! ;)
Star Wars Weekends @ Disney: I went with my oldest son, Joshua, this past Saturday. Had a blast, although I didn't take nearly as many pictures as I've done in the past. This is mainly because it was blazing hot, and I could barely stand my own skin melting in the sun, much less the plastic onto my hands. However, I recommend going if you live near one of the Disney parks! Going on every weekend 'til the end of the month.
MySpace: If anyone has a MySpace profile and wants a random guy (Read: Me!) to add, send me an email and I'll get it set up. =)
Gas: OMG! Almost $4/gal here in Central Florida! /me dies
Well, that's about it. Some exciting stuff to come, folks, so get ready! I'm already sharpening my, er, word processors. ;)
KE Timbal
AED guy
Medals stuffs goes here.
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