Consul Report


Consul Report

Clan Notes

Random Quote:

"If this is not the end of oblivion, then I shall live everyday as if my life were to end on this very day."

-Yukino Hojo (Gatekeepers)

Clan Comp

So, submissions for round 2 have been very low. I’ve received two fiction events and no gaming or screen shot events. Now, gaming continues through the next round, but round 2 fiction ends this Saturday (June 14) at 11:59. I have this nice little spreadsheet that I would love to fill up with participation.

Remember, you can win individual events, a whole competition, and then be an overall winner for the entire trilogy (which nets merit medals, not crescents). That’s lots of medals up for grabs. And you don’t have to win every single event to win overall. There is credit for participation.

The entire competition fiction and updated events can be found here:

Oh, and speaking of participation, there might just be some roster flushing after this competition. That’s a really nice way of saying there will be some roster flushing and I’m giving you some advanced warning.

Story Details (The Reason for “To the Core”)

Ok, so no one has directly asked, but I’m getting kind of the sense that there’s a lot of uncertainty about the necessity of this particular competition. I admit, it is very traditional, and far more under my control that the members (though member submissions can/will influence the fiction).

The simple fact is that this first competition, “To the Core” was needed to get us out of the Yridia system to set us up for parts 2 and 3 of this trilogy. Trust me, parts 2 and 3 are going to be much deeper and much darker. Part 1 is a fictional necessity, but it also provides good practice for future competitions and gives you a chance to earn medals and such.

Clan Arrivals

I’d like to publicly welcome Keinan Waius, Telos, Cindrid, WeaponX, Kyra Starfire, and ShadowFoxx, all of whom joined Tridens, either as brand new members or from the Rogues.

Going to House Gladius, Syndroid, Zear, and Villious all joined as brand new members.

House Cestus also picked up a new member. Welcome to Kaen Drakos.


Vai Azexel to Guardian

Raiju to Sith Warrior

Cypha to Protector

Elols to Jedi Hunter

Szordryn to Jedi Hunter

Mentai Felon to Novice

Clan Projects

I’ll admit that there’s a lot to be done in the clan besides just running clan competitions. To be sure, some of it is far more important than other things, but in looking back at some of the discussions I’ve had with various members and leaders of the clan, some of the ideas get way out there to the point of being unworkable. Who knows… maybe we’re over thinking some things before we try something.

Anyway, the clan competition trilogy will have some downtime in between the individual stories (fictionally, they run one after the other, and will pick up where the previous one left) when I will start working on developing some of these other projects. Stay alert, as I may ask for volunteers to help with a few things.

DB News

Kir is taking applications for the Left Hand of Justice through Sunday. See the main DB page for details.

Fictional Update

The clan has arrived at Prakith and is in the process of entering the secret laboratory/storage facility. Exactly what awaits the clan remains to be seen, but it is anticipated that there will be trouble once we get inside. It is hoped that the treasures within the facility will more than make up for any problems we do encounter. Remember, the clan is raiding this facility to obtain something that might be more useful against the Yuuzhan Vong and, most likely, the rest of the Brotherhood if the need arises.

And that’s it for this week. I’ve been busy as hell at work because it is vacation season for the employees, and that means I’ve got to do more than usual to help us stay on top.

Have a good weekend and participate, participate, participate!


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