The Tyrant's Den Report
Greetings dark ladies and gentlemen this is the first report of your new Aedile for the House of Qel-Droma. My name is Tirano Yamayura of the order of the Krath and I have been in the Dark Jedi Brotherhood for a bit over year and a half. If you have any questions just ask and if you have any comps or any other interesting ideas don't hesitate to send them to me and the QUA so we approve it.
Tirano was sitting on his shuttle analyzing different papers and reports that had been sent that week to him by his subordinates. The Phyle Report was interesting but different to what he was used to, he would change that. The activity report was good but he wanted more people to participate in competitions. "Its time for change" he thought as he wrote a quick note his notepad.
Dark Jedi Brotherhood News:
Headmaster Report
Master At Arms Report
Qel-Droma Quaestor Position Open for Applications
Wiki Tribune Report
Herald Report
Fiction Tribune Report
Server Requirements/CF Formulas
Journeymen Competition - June
Qel-Droma QUA Applications - LAST REMINDER!
Star Wars News:
Honestly I think there is no news in this area for this week or the past weeks :P.
Awards & Promotions:
Zandro Savric Erinos:
Crescent with Ruby Star Awarded x 1
Wolvie "the jackal":
Cluster of Fire Awarded x 22
Tirano Yamayura:
Crescent with Topaz Star x 2
Cluster of Fire Awarded x 6
Cluster of Fire Awarded x 1
Quejo Drakai Xyler:
Cluster of Fire Awarded x 7
Well guys this is an impressing amount of participation but how about we reach 7 members that participate?! That would be nice and if we get over 7 members I will promise you another very interesting competition having to do with this.
Welcoming Committee:
Welcome everybody if you have any questions just ask and if you have any suggestions or comments we are open to see new things done and any critiques are also welcome.
Drake Valkner:
Drake welcome to the brotherhood, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Mal or anybody, the people here are very nice.
Dararmar welcome to the brotherhood, I hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me or Mal or anybody, the people here are very nice.
The Bi-Monthly Qel-Droma Challenge
[Arcona] Armed Forces Wiki Comp Part I
Myanmar vs Miramar
People that like Wii's and/or Mario
Arcona Trivia Mk. IV
Gaming Nights
T:SWG Star Wars trivia
Meditations on the Force
Journeymen Competition - June
Extra Notes:
I'm happy to have received this position and I have finals next week :O, so well I will report next week cause my finals end Wednesday :). Any other thoughts, ideas or comments please reply to the e-mail chain :).
The Tyrant's Den Closing Thoughts:
Well ladies and gentlemen as much as I know you like this it is over, so have a good day enjoy the report don't hesitate to comment on it and DO COMPS!!! :P Win fancy medals and talk on IRC :D.
AED DJK Tirano Yamayura for the House of Qel-Droma
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